
Evil Week called. It wants its post back.

Web browsers!!

I'm a self-employed, work-from-home night-owl who sleeps from ~5am-1pm. I've tried a number of times to get up earlier, but I have to say that setting your bedtime accordingly early is a horrible idea. Every time I've tried to go to bed before I actually feel tired, I end up tossing and turning in bed for hours

@Orion126: Being at the airport 3 hours before a flight makes sense for EL-Al because essentially all their flights are international ones. From my understanding, arriving 3 hours prior to an international flight is a common recommendation globally.

Wake me when they add an option when you forward a message to automatically populate a Reply-To: field with the original sender of the message you're forwarding.

@Mickets: Bummer. Yeah, I used Copernic back in the day, which I ditched for Google Desktop... which I ditched for Everything. :p

Indeed, great idea, and something I've been craving for a while now, but without actually plugging in to Windows Explorer somehow, it's somewhat useless.

I was hired to do web development, but found that more and more time was getting taken up by "Can you look at my printer?" / "My email isn't working!" / "Is the internet down?" - typical interruptions for the resident tech-savvy guy in a small organization with no IT dept. So I told the boss that I was going to start

Not all that surprising that IE9 is the closest conformer to the specs. All other browser engines have a long history to take into account; from what I understand, IE9's underlying engine has been re-written from scratch. No baggage, less hassle.

@Davrosdiablo: I can see it now: a few years from now, someone will follow up on the lives of Rebecca and Gary, only to find that they're happily married. :p

@sahilm: Secret Apple Marketing Tactic!

My analog watch also happens to be solar-powered, so while the watch is triggering the mouse, the mouse sensor's light is charging the watch. Could this be a perpetual motion machine??!?

Speaking of screensavers, does anyone know of a decent-looking starfield simulation, like the classic one, but more modern and "classy", where the stars look like stars and not pixels? Preferably something compact, light, and free - and definitely not one of those over-marketed, crappy 3D ones.

I really hope the instant pages it loads don't register in the history until you "approve" of the search term. Otherwise, Chrome's mediocre History interface will be well and truly swamped.

Occasionally I wonder how long it will be before (new) users no longer recognize what the customary icon for "Save" buttons is - the venerable 3.5" diskette. I wonder if at that point, GUI design will switch to something less temporally limited in it's relevance, something to indicate "Saving"... Superman's logo,

"Imagine this cellular telephone is your smartphone, and infamous security software maker Norton is an anti-virus. Norton wants to 'protect' your phone by the most intrusive and bloated means possible. Your phone, not knowing any better, continues to work just fine.

@acidrain69: Last time I had to wake up before the sun on a regular basis was when I was in the military... now there's an alarm clock you can't ignore! :p

@acidrain69: Sometimes I wonder if it's because I'm a total night owl. I usually go to sleep at 5am, and wake up at 1pm. I read on Ars Technica a while back that night owls typically can function with little impairment up until they go to sleep, whereas morning people tend to get more tired as the day progresses,