The Summer of George

This was a transcontinental flight. Big Plane. Big seats. This guy knew.

Yeah.. My last 6-hour flight left us stranded on the runway, pre-takeoff, for 3 hours. I was in the middle seat, my wife had the isle, and oh just guess who took the window seat... good ol' Mr. 400! This guy couldn't hardly get to his seat, let alone sit in it (we had to vacate to the isle each time he wanted in or

Ahhh, data plans. Almost as big of a scam as texting fees.

Glob bless this crazy man.

You mean I can sacrifice my weekends for my employer?!

Best "Ow! My Balls!" episode ever.

Yeah. I don't get it either.

... and modest.

I'm guessing this can be purchased at... (*ahem*) iKea.

Or you could stop eating so much ice cream, fatty.

I could use one of those!

No one's touching MY balls!!!

Please, send more info on this... "hot—bot" to my electronic mail address at:

Hold on... I need to check Alta Vista to see what MySpace is.

Dogs are awesome!

That's pretty cool. I noticed that option after downloading the app.

"...export them directly to Facebook or YouTube"

Agreed. Mine, too.

Thought that was a Google scribble at first.