The Summer of George

You had me at: yellow head, blue background.

Yeah... I don't think I like where this is going. Dogs are awesome. People are stupid. Stupid people will put awesome dogs in bad situations because awesome dogs think stupid people are awesome.

I love that old children's tale from the sea.

Yeah... I hear Jesus has a nice rack.

I was kind of hoping *this* was the evolution of planking.

Do n't li sten to the snide m asse s , Jesus . Atte ntion—to-de tail is what makes somet hing trul y great. If it's ab sent , even in a so-cal led insig nificant way , th at's a warning sign o f grea ter pro blem s withi n ..

Vampiresch are aweschome! I wonder if they'll ever catcsh on?


Well, that would be the one for me, as well, but she's gone.


Works better for me in Lewis Black's voice, instead.

Wind resistance is very important in space.

Why do they stay, Tina? Why do they stay?

"Those Speedo Fastskins still won’t let you outrun a hungry shark"


Dear, Mr. Lucas,

Also, by shooting first (well, actually, being the ONLY one to shoot), it adds more weight to the moment when he returns from out of the blue to help destroy the Death Star.

Thanks... Now I'm all weepy at work.

God damn... Even with a trampoline, white guys can't dunk.