The Summer of George

"A Redneck Version of a Riding Lawn Mower" is an oxymoron.


Hell, I'll settle for a Wii that performs evenly with both Sony's and MS's current machines. It's been soooo long since Nintendo's console games have looked (competitively) amazing.

...and fits nowhere in your kitchen.

More felt, less flesh, please.

"Why Would I Want My Smartphone to Smell Like Jellybeans?"

Damn those wizard aliens!!

You gotta feel for those poor folks up there on stage. That's a rough gig. They're not actors or even public speakers (for the most part); just game developers (and their children) that are cursed to demo a piece of software/hardwareto a very hard-to-impress crowd, while pretending to be genuinely over-excited.

That's fine and all, but how many ducks can its bathtub demo hold?

If real, this cable tech is as dead as the electric car, solar power and the cure for cancer.

Goo Gone: Sticker residue's worst nightmare.

The technology isn't essential (mainstream) until it reaches its ultimate destination... Porn.

Can't help but wonder what will be my (our) elderly stumbling block? I know I think I've got it all figured out right now, what with all the technological magic available today, but what happens when I reach the age of the couple in the above video? I'm sure there will be SOMETHING so futuristic and impossible for


Beat me to it.

Wish there wasn't so much lag but still fun!

Good, doggy!

Ahh. Thank you.