Come on guys aren’t we forgetting about the silvia/180sx/240sx successor and what ever is going to replace the Z?
Come on guys aren’t we forgetting about the silvia/180sx/240sx successor and what ever is going to replace the Z?
Hmm apex seals, I might just add it to the list of potential candidate.
I had a teacher in high school that was big on hunting deer and would mention that if the deer just died he would take it. Speaking of rx-8s how are they, ive read that early N/A rotaries can reliable but when it comes to the rx-8 I’ve heard so many conflicting things (especially the pre facelift cars). The reason I’m…
wikipedia says that the rickshaw was introduced in India as a byproduct of colonization and the term rickshaw is Japanese in origin and the first auto rickshaws were of Japanese and Italian origin. So the terminology differences maybe associated to what the original manual cart was called in an area vs what the new…
That just happened to me I was pulling onto the interstate from a rest stop (this was late at night ) and in the corner of my eye I see this lone stag just chilling on the right shoulder in that about to bolt across pose.
I heard a story about a guy who decided to drive from Jersey to Brooklyn after drinking at a New Years Party and ended up having guard rail on the side of the Staten Island expressway go through his head. Ever since I heard that story I’m petrified of guard rails and deer but mostly deer.
Damn life in junior high without Runescape 2.0, Jalopnik the Spinelli years, reading build threads on forums, and Fast Lane Daily linking me to Jalopnik Damn.
Jessica Baumann is the name of the model and the photo was taken by Matthew Polafuss. As a senior in college I excel at um research in this field.
Has anyone else noticed that CR-Zs tend to sit on dealer lots forever? I wonder why???
The only NA rotary with known problems was the rx-8 specifically the early series of the car. Rotaries in NA form were relatively reliable for their time (late 70s-80s). Its been what 10 plus years since the renesis?, so it should be up to the task.
I remember playing the game on pc and letting my brother (i think he was like 4) “shift” so that the driver could eat to get a speed bonus (whenever the car changed up it looked like the guy was eating something) funy thing was I played in automatic mode so he was just pressing random keys lol.
I still kind of want one in that color even though I’ve gotten away from liking exotics as much as I did way back then.
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2 made me like the car, Clarkson made me love it.
um the r33 ways less than the r34 and was arguably a better performer compared to the r34.
This what I do if the Attendant is taking too long (anything over a minute or if its a busy day). I’m happy, the attendants happy, and the mom waiting in the Armada behind me has already started honking.
My dad’s brown 2014 Honda Odyssey touring elite (with the vacuum cleaner). Hear me out on this one, comes in brown (smoky topaz) check, a vacuum cleaner check, a kicking sound system with a sub check, power everything check, and sounds great (vtec kicked in yo!). No but in all seriousness I resented the thing at first…
it’s not meant to replace the fx or whatever it is called. This car slots under the fx and in essences is a g37 (which is the skyline in japan) wagon allroad outback type thing.