
Why are some people so scared that they'd rather risk their children's lives than live with the possibility that NO ONE WANTS TO BREAK INTO YOUR STUPID HOUSE? Ahem. I'm done now.

You stumble on a good point here in that I think there's a rural/urban divide at work. I can see where firearms might make more sense to a person who lives in a remote area. But you have to realize that most Americans live in cities, and moreover, when cities try to enact firearms laws on their own, they just get

Except that criminals have a much easier time getting guns if they're legal. There are always gun shows, private sales and straw buyers who can turn background checks and gun licenses into a joke...and they do, every day. Organized criminals and gangs are getting their guns through a vast gray market entirely enabled

I've lived in a high crime area for fifteen years. Most of my neighbors have been broken into. Some more than once. Not us. I don't think anyone's willing to try it with my dogs, but thank you for your concern.

As a father, I hope you will look at the actual statistics and realize that any child in the house is many times more likely to be hurt by the gun in the house (or hurt someone else) than ever to be protected by it. Home invasions are vanishingly rare. Accidents where children hurt or kill themselves or others are

No, statistics show that firearms do increase a risk. You have a right to own one (or many). Fine. But please don't pretend like it doesn't affect anyone else. Please don't act like guns aren't dangerous, that only "bad guys" who are "inside your house" have to be concerned. Guns are inherently dangerous and

if that's true then why do countries with strict gun control (Australia, for example) have significantly less gun deaths than countries without sufficient gun control?

I've had an ex who assaulted me, then later stalked me. I still see no need for a gun. I think it's a false sense of security.

That is dangerous nonsense. Inanimate objects increase risk if they are inherently risky. Pretending otherwise is utterly foolish. Fundamental human fallibility can never be eradicated. It can be reduced, but any security expert will confirm that you can never, ever eliminate that risk.

I live in a wonderful country where guns are illegal. The chance of someone bringing a gun into my home is so miniscule as to be virtually non existent. It's pretty great.

Precisely. The statistics are absolutely damning. I don't know how anyone with access to any reliably-researched data on the subject would ever keep guns in the house. The chances of an innocent person getting hurt by a gun is unimaginably greater than the chance that they'll ever take down a home invader.

While I'm glad you're a responsible gun owner, I don't understand the need for people having guns in their homes. It's such an American need.

I'm with you a thousand per cent on this one. This kid killed his sibling, and there is no way it's his fault that he did. His parents were irresponsible, and I know that they have to Be in tremendous pain... But the ways kids internalize things and blame themselves for these types of things... I just hope that they

You know the best way to avoid shit like this? Don't have guns.

I feel like the answer here is that people don't want to use gun safes or gun locks is because they think having a loaded gun around is for home protection and having to remove a gun from a safe or unlock and load the gun reduces the home protection aspect of having a gun in the house. Personally I think they're wrong

We bought a bio-locking safe for the gun I keep for home defense. It can only be opened with my fingerprint. Hopefully, my kid will never even see the safe. But if she does, I'm going to tell her that it's a trap for the souls of little children to be transported to the Containment Unit, where they don't get any toys

I dunno. If this lady saved herself the grief of having to hear why she didn't deserve to reject him, I'd say she did the right thing.

Good on him! I remember when I was growing up in Ireland, coming out of the closet was something you did only after emigrating. That country has changed so much in my lifetime, I barely recognize it. We may moan and complain about developers and bankers and the economy and NAMA and Irish Water and whatnot, but I

I hope you're joking because I am a teacher and I have two master degrees. My mother has a PhD in education and all of her sisters were teachers. We are all very smart and capable women who have worked hard to improve our reservation.

I think the one on the right is finally feeling shame and disgust for her actions. All joking aside, I taught high school for two years and I CANNOT fathom how anyone can look at these CHILDREN and leave all sense at the door. I don't care how adult they may look, they are kids and these women are monsters.