
Not when you have written a parody. If you write all new things, no one will have a clue that you have created parody. The point of parody in comedy is to hit people over the head with familiar things that identify exactly what is being parodied. Alasdair missed all that. That's sad. As for using the app as a

Think about it. Matt Lucas. They hired one of the most famous "dames" around. And the "candy" is scattered in the last shot. If you go through the show you'll find every stock character and plot device of panto, included in some clever way.

I'm not a fool. Of course he won't rewrite it. And I've been deliberately rude enough - giving a detailed editing analysis would be overkill and a waste of time and effort. I've made my point. I get very tired of people who do not take the time to write well writing critiques of those who do. He called a well

Completely serious. I worked in theater when I was younger. This episode is a classical pantomime, and followed its rules beautifully. Panto is a very popular entertainment in Britain, at Christmastime. As for the writing - I am a writer. I have become fed up struggling with articles online that are hard to read, and

Calling the first 40 minutes silly means you know little of the art of slapstick. They did a beautiful, elegant job of presenting a form of comedy that looks simple, but isn't. Moffat's script resolved some long lingering desires in a way that was fun and in keeping with the season. The Doctor finally gave himself the