Sandra Dee

In geek (and sundry) news; nerd queen to spawn child process.

I’m not surprised. It has pieces of walnut shells. It was the only scrub I could find in Amman, and, so every time I use it, now, I get a hit of sandstorm and tea with anise.

Bowie as Elrond!

I will take every opportunity to say: Fuck Bank of America.

Why not both?

He’s the main reason to watch season two of Scream Queens.

by that standard, I gave up many delicious years ago

No, we only get Ted McGinley

Colin Farrell in Fantastic Beasts is my new sexual orientation.

If only they would bring back their Mrs. Hudson.

Unless it comes with cute little plastic cars and stick people, I ain’t play’n

I’m starting to feel like 2016 is like the end of The Return of the King where all the cool people are getting on a boat and heading for somewhere better, leaving the rest of us with the judgemental assholes of the Shire.

Did Trump just request a safe space?

Please keep shouting it. From rooftops if you can. With a megaphone.

I have used this quote so many times since last Tuesday. Give him a chance? No!

I’ve never thought UTI’s were sexy until he sang about giving Rebecca one after their marathon sex.

In way less exciting news, it looks like Greg (Santino Fontana) is gonefrom Crazy Ex-Girlfriend for good.

Thank fuck for these memes

Sound advice. I definitely like the use of the word ‘flexible’ as opposed to ‘balance’. Kids are chaos and you must be flexible, and yet at the same time, consistent. Ggood luck out there! :)