I would pay to party with Emma Thompson.
I would pay to party with Emma Thompson.
Yes! Yes! A thousand times, yes!
I normally don’t pay attention to this stuff, but is it too terrible of me that I kind of want the Julia Roberts one to be true? It sort of seems like justice after the way she went into that relationship.
i bet it changes on the website by language.
i’m kind of cackling because i am just not even a little surprised?
Oh Ben, how fucking cliche.
So being a rich and famous teen means you don’t get the protection and support you need from the adults around you. That means it’s okay for an older man to take advantage of you, because you are special and different. Nevermind that wealth, fame, and exposure do not make you inherently more mature or capable of…
I wonder what the % of buyers are women?
Ditto. What’s-His-Name and I have been through some unfathomable bullshit in our 15 years together, starting with the full cancellation of our wedding reception by my MIL. Yeah, that happened, and we still got married. We’re better together than we are apart.
I guess this is the part where I become utterly hateable, but my wife and I are deeply in love, and after 14 years of marriage, I think she’d agree with me that, while life is hard, our marriage has been the easiest part of it. And that’s with infertility, cancer, and parental disability thrown in. It’s the marriage…
My partner and I are already (GASP) planning to have him be a stay at home dad- why isn’t that even ever brought up as an option? My career choice is much less flexible and he’s better at the whole child thing anyways. We’re no where close to having kids yet, so hopefully this will still be a viable option for us at…
I hate that they call it a career “pause.” Let’s call it what it is - if you genuinely want high-power career and want to be climbing that ladder all the way up to the c-suite, leaving your job/going to a more “flexible” situation for a few years is a career derailment. And one that very few women recover from, in…
Unfortunately, a standard 9-5 job is no longer standard. I work 9-5 five days a week, and I feel like a slacker sometimes. It’s the norm for young people to work as late 8 or 9pm on the reg. Maybe you don’t HAVE to stay that late, technically, but if you want to do well and advance, you have to stay that late.
In a world where only working 9 to 5 is considered “lazy”, perhaps even thievery of some kind.
This clearly flies in the face of everything that Maxxism stands for. Hell you might as well just go to Lenins & things.
A billion years ago in my 20s, I dated a guy who’d just left Seminary school and had zero exes. Except for God. Even as an atheist, I knew I wasn’t going to compare.
Uhm, half the prior cast of Game of Thrones waves hello (from their horrible unmarked graves).
Pff, I hate it when a series doesn't have the guts to kill off characters.
Sadly, most of the open relationships I’ve seen or been involved in boil down to one partner saying “I’m not going to worry about your happiness or well-being anymore and if you say a word about it I’ll leave you.”