Sandra Dee

I once met him in a hotel bar (true story, y’all get real jealous now). He was playing piano and singing - SO HOT. When my friend and I discovered it was him, we sneakily tried to take a picture of ourselves with him in the background. He totally busted us - he sauntered over and said: girls, if you want a picture

I feel like I could fairly accurately communicate all my sexual preferences, orientation and fantasies using only this gif. It basically diagrams my libido in one single 5-second loop.

That gif is mesmerizing. Even Jeff Goldblum’s mild disdain is sexy.

Goldblum is hotter than Hemsworth. #fact

The man is immortal.

Yes. Absolutely. With both of them, on top of the jet.

I always say goodbye(and I love you to love ones even if I hate them).

“WAAAH, my brother murdered a bunch of people, give me money for my wedding sads.”

This is such a Dad joke and I love it.

Jesus. Hector. Christ. I hope someone proposes during her stupid fucking wedding. I hope everyone who’s not the bride wears white just to spite her. I hope her maid of honor gives a really mean, passive-aggressive speech. I hope her aunt gets too drunk and hits on the groom, and he goes for it.

We know money cannot replace the wedding we lost.

I mean...

AGREED, five minutes?! What? Sometimes I lose my phone in my own house for hours at a time.

I can’t imagine changing my last name. Maybe if I was 19 but not now.

Mr. Celette took mine. Because it’s awesome and he should want it.

...have more than one, and each kid gets an element of the name? Like:

Absolutely keep your name!!

I took my husband’s name when we married mainly because my name was long and complicated and I didn’t mind giving it up for his simple last name. HOWEVER. I tell any young woman whom I think might listen to me to keep her name. Use his name socially if you so choose, but LEGALLY don’t

The ending of Time Bandits really messed me up... a lot. Not specifically because of what happens to his parents. But because for a brief time he knew real happiness. And then the whole thing turned really fucking British. Gilliam can be such an asshole sometimes.