Sandra Dee

This also applies to private schools. They too have a sticker price for tuition and room and board. If you are accepted they will offer you a financial aid package. This can be loans, work-study, and/or scholarships. If the university wants you, you should see more scholarships. They have internal funds that they can

Stormageddon bows to no one!

Even my sullen teenager knows to have better manners than that.

Also check out the documentary Project Nim. It’s about a chimp deliberately raised in a human social structure. 

I hope they are saving him for when the “almighty” needs to make an appearance, or at least what Michael thinks the almighty needs to look like. I could also see him as another architect that is tired of all resources being spent on Michael’s pet project.

I didn’t see it coming and Ted Danson played it perfectly. I plan to rewatch the whole season this summer, hopefully in preparation for season 2.

Thank you for pushing and advocating for her. Hopefully soon the right support will be found.

I’m so sorry you are going through this. Your story is not unfamiliar to me. That limbo where the kiddo is not making safe decisions but social services deem it not severe enough to offer real solutions. We just rode it out. I kept myself safe and tried to minimize her choices. Finally getting her into a special

I have called the police on my daughter when I thought my personal safety was threatened. It was thought out and announced to my daughter that unless the immediate behavior ramps down, I would call. It’s a really tough decision as it removes any family control on the situation. So far we have been lucky. We are white,

What man showed her his hammer?

Isn’t this settled law? See Finder Keepers vs Losers Weepers.

I thought Republicans were on the side of job creators.


I have a teen. I try to think about what behavior I’m trying to control. If it’s a safety issue, then I’m pretty hard ass. If it’s more about avoiding potential mistakes, I’m trying more to just let them happen if the long-term consequences are few. She still doesn’t believe that I actual went through some of the same

Even though I know he is not related, I really want Adam Baldwin to join the fight.

He’s simply tossing to Guy LaDouche.

I live in the Pacific Northwest so water resistance is useful to me. However I usually get a new phone on the “S” cycle so we shall see what next year brings.

Now playing

I watched mainly in the early to mid-80's. Kidd Video, Dungeons and Dragons, etc. We even had some of Sundays: Thundarr and other Hanna-Barbara series. And missing and episode and hoping to catch it in a re-run one day! Kids today will never know the pain and suffering.