
My school district runs a full time health clinic out of the high school nurses office and it charges a smaller fee than a regular co-pay or cash visit. This article doesn’t go into detail, but our school nurse will give vaccinations, physicals, and prescribe drugs. Many other districts do the same.

I have a fairly rare name, that I share with a communications professor in another country. For close to 10 years, I have been receiving her email from students, co-workers, friends, family, etc. I have also received a beautifully illuminated land deed in pdf form, her travel itineraries, tickets, and bills. I did

My husband and I waded out of the League City/Dickinson area. Our kids were boated out by the Cajun Navy and we all evacuated on a League City Police Swat vehicle. This was our place after 25 inches of rain with 25 more to come.

I would be thrilled if the Boy Scouts began accepting girls into all their programs. I have found the Girl Scout program in my area to be intolerant, disorganized, exclusionary, and just plain awful in all respects. Plus, my girls prefer the activities offered by the Boy Scouts.

Chunky Peanut Butter is the superior peanut butter. And only use preserves served on think slabs of homemade bread. This gives the sandwich some much texture and flavor. The thick bread also slows down the eating process, so you don’t accidentally shove the whole sandwich in your mouth, because your brother is trying

Heh. The site gave me flights to Philadelphia, PA and hotels in Philadelphia, Mississippi a mere 1,480 kilometers from the city center.

My actual 1990 prom dress that I always hated. My mom bought it without consulting me and I have kept it all these years to remind me that children have opinions that should be heard. I could appreciate it as a great 80s artificat if we had bought it together, but she bought it her summer beach trip at some clearance

Doesn’t any one remember that the official mourning period for a spouse is 365 days? I really wish we still had widely accepted mourning etiquette. There is nothing here to judge. Move along now.

So this is more of a wrong email thing, but I share a name with a professor of communications in Argentina and an email address with only one letter different. I do not live in Argentina. I get a lot of emails for Professor Lost, going on 5 years now. I have gone way above and beyond trying to get these emails to stop

Thanks. I’m so glad to know it’s my fault. That’s what my bosses told me when I asked for equal pay, too.

Because I love and care for all of my children and their health equally, they were all vaccinated against HPV, LostBoy, LostGirl 1 & 2 all vaccinated.

You missed another way it will cost you. I was once hospitalized and I asked for a second opinion. This so enraged my doctor that he dropped me as a patient and I had to call around to find another doctor willing to take over my care. I eventually left the hospital, techinically AMA, because my original doctor refused

Female - At my first full time job, my boss ask me to move to a different position. This position had higher pay ON THE HR PAY CHART. I asked for the higher pay and was told no. I complained to HR that I was being asked to work in a higher paid position for the lower pay and was told to take it or be fired. I

It does this with Bob’s Burgers which is really annoying, because of the jokes in the opening credits. Is there a way to turn it off?

My husband’s only heart attack symptom was a cold sweat. That’s it. He eventually went into cardiac arrest, but at least had the decency to do it in front of the doctor, so he’s still alive. The Hollywood version of a heart attack is very misleading.

I’m in Texas and it was the same thing. There was a Democratic Headquarters office near me and they never had signs or campaign materials. They never contacted me despite my repeated attempts to volunteer. The DNC was wholy focused on the location elections in our area. They considered Texas a lost cause. The large

 I tried these and thought they were awful. I much prefer Thinx. They are special menstrual underwear you can free bleed into. Washable, reusable, durable, comfortable., and they keep you dry. I’ve been using them for almost a year now and I will never go back. The only downside is that if you need to track the AMOUNT