
Not trying to be a dick here, but what non-lethal alternatives do you propose? So far people have said tasers, tranquilizers, and “sleeping gas”. Two of those don’t work like people seem to think they do and one of them doesn’t even exist. Essentially most people think this is the movies. The reality is that they

Sure! Can we say it’s safe to assume that you would happily volunteer to go chat with the crazy murderer who’s heavily armed, wearing heavy body armor, claims to have a bomb, oh and said he intends to kill anyone who tries to stop him? Matt’s the man for the job! Good luck dude.

Okay, let’s say your the cop on the phone with him. He has killed or injured 10 people already and he just told you I’m not coming out alive my goal is to kill as many cops as possible before I die come and get me. Oh also, I planted bombs all over town and maybe have one on myself. Then he hangs up the phone and

I served in the US Army, I was a ground surveillance radar technician and the first block of my electronics training was at Redstone Arsenal, AL, where I attended school alongside the Army’s incredibly brave (and possibly crazy) EOD technicians :-p I want to try my best to provide some insight:

“Once you send in a drone/robot to deliver a deadly payload, the officer or civilians are no longer in “imminent danger” or at least it becomes questionable”

For this guy to go to court he would have to stop being a threat. He never stopped being a threat so he was killed. This is not Judge Dredd.

When someone threatens they’ve got bombs around the city, you don’t really want to give them time to set them off. Also, we don’t know what happened during the negotiations, maybe he was trying to make a phone call.

Maybe because they’ve made it clear for almost a decade that they don’t do nuance and tend to shun them fancy book-learnin thangs? And that they also nominated Trump?

Because, Clam, they typically tend to demonstrate a complete lack of empathy, compassion, and introspection. You would know this if you followed politics even a bit.

Because the votes count the same whether they’re enthusiastic, somewhat reluctant, very reluctant, made in protest, sarcastic, erroneous, well-informed, poorly-informed, “lesser-of-two-evils” or just plain “close your eyes and hit a button.”

“Just for the votes?”

Whomever gets the most votes yah? Plus they agree on pretty much everything. And any Trump supporter who switches to Clinton is welcomed too. I don’t care why, I just want her to get the most yes...the Sanders endorsement matters.

The proposal she put forward was actually very similar to the one she had before, just with a significantly higher cutoff below which families aren’t expected to contribute. But it got press as a Bernie Win (TM), which is important for a subset of voters, and I believe that hammering out that deal has been what shut

She hasn’t been bending over to appease him, as far as I can tell. I think she’s played it perfectly - not trashing him at all but pivoting cleanly to focus on Trump. She’s behaving as the presumptive nominee and when he finally does endorse her I’m sure she’ll talk about what an amazing contribution his campaign was

This is a hilariously dumb comment, I think I might be impressed if it was meant as a troll.

Some stores I responded to back in my patrol days would pull this. I doubt loss prevention liked it very much when I showed up because I'd loudly announce to the suspect that just because the police are here, they didn't need to sign anything and shouldn't construe my presence as some sort of implication that they

There will not be a Welsh vote for independence, they voted to leave the EU and most reject independence.

What exactly should the US learn from this? Who are we exiting from?

Following by a Northern Ireland vote to join Ireland and a Welsh vote for independence.

I can't really laugh at the stupidity of these. I'm British, so we lost the right to call anything else dumb today. Or ever again. Because we are completely fucked.