Playstation: Battle Opera
Playstation: Battle Opera
Full disclosure: I'm a 22 year old registered Republican, though my own political views can best be summed up as "intensely moderate" or even "passive aggressive"
Uh, Orgrimmar. Not Orgrimmat. My apologies to any real life citizens of Orgrimmar.
Orgrimmat is all brand new- don't know when the last time you played was, but Org was razed to the ground and rebuilt, and is now 90% new structures built out of expensive metals.
I have hormones, but not raging hormones. I noticed both, but noticed the boobs first. Where does that place me?
Promoted :D
Kingdom Hearts 2, particularly the boss fight with Jafar. It probably says something about the game that I was able to fall asleep several times and still beat the boss without being fully aware of what was happening around me.
A lot of it comes with the abstraction of lesser tech- the less you can "see", the less they have to model and the more that is implied to the player. To redo the Honey Bee Inn, for example, we're now talking an HD scene... so now we've got everyone in creepy HD graphics, the tub has hi-def textures on it, and even…
From a business standpoint, it doesnt make sense to keep Skype limited to the Microsoft platforms, because that severely limits the potential (paying) userbase.
I love my Vita, and think its a wonderful handheld. If the Vita fails it will have nothing to do with it being a bad system, because as a device it trumps the 3DS on nearly every level (except for price, library and name recognition).
As much as it sucks, write for Destructoid and write for them a lot.
I'll give the game a shot when it comes out on PS3 (I love the idea of MMOs on consoles)- hopefully it lives up to its older brother and all the big changes they've been promising.
Even though Yoshida wasn't a driving force behind the game, most of the staff they brought in to rebuild XIV were core members of the XI team. So you're half right.
Honestly, at 30 dollars for either, I would have picked up both. It would have gotten the game in more gamers hands, and probably gotten people to impulse buy it to play with their friends.
Yeah, I actually just read that. I'll edit my original post to reflect the change :(
A couple cool things to note about the game:
It wouldn't be the first time, though something tells me they stand a much better chance this time around.
I should clarify what I meant, because my last response was a little wonky.
Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself.
Really I just look for any excuse possible to link to Radiolab episodes.