So, it's no Shinin', but that opening track looks (and sounds) pretty sweet.
My psn is pantsmith, and I'm a Lumines addict.
Hahaha, those neutral faces are amazing. Like unmoving, unflinching faces long after a horrendously bad pun.
Have you looked at Gravity Daze/Rush yet? There's absolutely a lot to be excited about when game developers go into things looking to make a solid handheld experience. That game looks and feels amazing to play, and it really wouldn't work as well on another system.
Well, that's good to know. I guess they had to figure out how to deliver the same core mechanics (as many have mentioned, MNR is amazing, sans load times) to a public that just doesn't respond to the brand for some reason.
I've got the 3G bundle pre-ordered, with Lumines shipping alongside it.
I guess I could have been a little more clear in my post: I was wondering why this games gets called on the repetition, but Skyrim doesnt, when the "Point A to Point B, Dungeon->Boss->Loot" rotation sounds exactly the same.
Theres really no winning solution here.
"A Pattern Emerges: Get quest. Travel to dungeon. Fight boss. Get next quest."
Its funny you pick 8 as the bastion of the series, since its such a strange example of "Final Fantasy".
double post, wooops.
An ipad is what, twice that size? Its still "portable".
Is there any word on how widespread this is? I'd check it now, but I'm away from my PS3, so I can't even look at the three PAL downloads I have available to my PAL account.
Its about time we start glorifying our gaming heritage outside of certain staples (Mario, Sonic, Mega Man) and making sure we have versions playable for future generations.
Well, it helps the developers in a roundabout way.
That box art is awesome
While I wasn't blown away by XIIIs soundtrack, I did really like a handful of tracks (Fangs theme and Pulse de Chocobo especially) and consider it a well-made collection of music that suffered from the same misguided pacing as the rest of the game.