
I'm okay with all that climbing and endless endurance to some extent, it just operates in direct contrast to the way Drake gets scared when hes behind cover getting shot at or grunts when he gets hit or slammed into something.

Thats a fair point, but Uncharted is taking place in our world, and is based on a lot of moderately accurate historical research. Part of my attraction to the series has been how "real" the characters have acted, and how real the world around them feels... not literally real, but something I could relate to. Removing

Uh, italics took over and the edit feature has disappeared. Sorry about that.

One of the problems I've had with Uncharted 3 is the crazy amount of deus ex machina and plot armor they've used this time around. 1 and 2 had suspension of disbelief, but 3 has pushed things far enough that I've actually shaken my head a couple times.

I had my girlfriend play it and now she'll occasionally greet me with "WELCOME!!!!" Glad you liked it, that whole cast is absolutely wonderful :D

Unrelated to the discussion at hand, but how did you like Ghost Trick? I think I remember you saying you picked up a copy and I was actually kind of surprised you hadnt played it yet. Didja love it?

Hes probably my favorite new video game character- not only is he dependable and awesome, but hes also really quirky and slightly insane, which just makes him more memorable.

Technically thats "husbando", unless you know something I dont.

Praise the sun!

I'm not arguing with you as much as it might sound like it. As an artist I would never date, let alone marry, someone who didn't get "art", so I'm with you to some extent, though I consider art a cultural concept.

I don't know that thats fair to say- would you want your significant other to leave chick flick posters and memorabilia all over the house, spending all of her time on chickflick message boards and talking to her friends, all the time, about chick flicks? How about putting aside several hours a day to sit around,

I mean, on some level Crash was Sony's answer to Mario, but from what I remember reading (really insightful development blogs) he was specifically a response to Mario 64, to make sure the Playstation had its own 3D platformer.

I still don't understand a score of 0- I get that its useless troll bait on sites like Metacritic, but its seemingly impossible for a game to be so bad that it deserves a 0 because 0 isn't even a score. Its an absence of a score.

Anyone know if I subscribe to DCU I'll get trophies from the F2P version retroactively?

Wow, thanks for doing the research- I love it when the featured comments actually teach me something about the game :D

I don't play the Call of Duty games with any kind of regularity, so I might have no idea what I'm talking about, but I'll bite.

Praise the sun!

Naughty Dog isnt the kind of developer to do something like that. They actually just invited a couple of neogaffers to come to their offices and explain their problems with the aiming in Uncharted 3. In person.

replying to approve your comment

You actually aren't contradicting yourself- basically all you are saying is that you like earning something so long as the "earning" part is as enjoyable, or even as simple, as playing the game at its natural tempo.