Uh, what?
Uh, what?
Obviously you've seen the umpteen million articles and comments about multiplayer, but have you ever played a battlefield game before?
You think so? I dont actually believe in "paid" reviews, as in EA sent a giant sack of money to all of these review outlets, but they certainly controlled who was and wasnt going to get a review copy based on whether or not they typically "get" Battlefield games. This leads to better scores (and better business) for…
As that article yesterday pointed out, it comes down to how you think the game should be reviewed. If a game can get a 9.5 but still have a "tacked on" multiplayer, can it work the other way?
I'm no conspiracy theorist, but when people wonder about "paid" reviews, this is a pretty great example of how the system works, especially whats wrong with it.
I forgot how cool they looked (I had one too, surprised I forgot)
Seriously, no need to be rude. The vast majority of the time you spend in Dark Souls is during your first time around, figuring everything out.
The PSP was absolutely DESTROYED by piracy, its pretty obvious why theyre doing this :/
Better than actually doing it.
I would play the shit out of that game (an mmo where all the bears, which were clearly supposed to be panda bears, are all black bears or brown bears in denial).
I mean, they know they have Diablo III coming out, as well as some serious competition, so why not release an expansion meant more for core players (the people who actually knew about Pandaren in the first place), and save the world-saving theatrics for the NEXT expansion that will aim to bring back all of the old…
I dont get why people can't like Apple products without being the bane of the universe.
Those aren't exactly the best examples.
Arkham Asylum was a great game with horrible boss fights, and Modern Warfare 2 was just as scripted, if not more scripted, than Uncharted 2 (but with worse writing).
Ah- had no idea. Really, fake or not, one only needs read wowwiki for forty minutes to figure out all of the potential places they have left. The flow of the list makes sense to me, although I would have placed exploring various uncharted islands before conquering entire elemental planes (as they did) rather than the…
Yeah- I can't promise this list is 100% authentic, but these are all places in the expanded lore, and just about everything short of Sargeras has been wrapped up, so hes really the next step.
They kill eachother?! I wish I had been crafty enough to have figured that out on my own, but thank you for the survival tip! Next time around will (probably) be much less horrifying.