Not to discredit your opinion, but the internet is full of roughly 5,000 reviews all of which dissect the game in the way you mentioned. Its always nice to hear someone talk about a game they like, even if its not totally specific.
Not to discredit your opinion, but the internet is full of roughly 5,000 reviews all of which dissect the game in the way you mentioned. Its always nice to hear someone talk about a game they like, even if its not totally specific.
I actually agree with you on the 3rd person bit; Jensen is just so cool, its a shame you can't just pull back on the camera like you can in Fallout and just admire him in his techno-human, Solid Snake glory. I mean that in the least erotic way possible, haha.
I'm pretty sure "Versus XIII" is just code for "We're actually making the VII remake everyone wants".
But its not actually new, just a dolled up version of an already dolled up version. Like a bizarre feedback loop.
Duelling Lu Bu's forces outside of a Footlocker would probably make for an excellent entry in the series, if I do say so myself.
I consider Dead Rising (1) to be one of the best games I've ever played, in terms of what it actually is, though I could understand how anyone hoping it would be "Dynasty Warriors: Shopping Mall" might have been disappointed.
I didnt say it was a masterpiece. All I said was that it was pretty authentic to the comics and, barring the fact that it condensed seven graphic novels into one movie, I still stand by that.
Its probably one of the most authentic comic-to-movie adaptations ever, so if you havent read the comics I'm sure the movie comes across as trying to do too much in too short a time.
Little Kings Story was such a great game... well, great except for the horrible RAT KING.
Oh man, thats awesome!
I don't know whats more depressing, a world where two of the biggest, best games on a console are never localized in America when they've already been translated, or a world where the same games are getting localized but theres still absolutely no dialogue with the fans who have tried their hardest to open one.
Then I stand corrected- I vaguely remember Steam being accused of doing the same thing, so perhaps they've changed policy since then?
Steam does the same thing.
Have you played any of the DLC? Its all been hinting about this fated duel between you and Ulysses, the man who set you up to die AND influenced the events of the past three add-ons.
Bestbuy wouldnt open the box up and take the slip out, because its not their policy to open up all game containers, new AND used :(
I know that feeling.
Not to say its worth paying for, but PS+ can host any save (Demons Souls comes to mind) to the cloud server. Its your only hope :(
Second Life isnt an actual game, though I do respect (and sort of fear) its community. EVE is closer to the kind of game I'm talking about.
You're absolutely right, but in my head this game seems like something that a core group of players adopt, realize just how much better it is than what they've been given, and then proceed to hype up to the point that its actually taboo to have too much grinding in your MMOs (the same way WoW made the old model…