San Diego Miguel

They actually are about straight line performance for the most part. Think about stop light racing in the real world. You can’t stop and ask to go to the track because you’re better in the twistys..... And, and it’s a big AND, the Porsche is heavier, so it might not be better in the twistys. We’ll have to wait and

Not really. Only at special stations that have just a few locations in urban areas. The most important location for a charging station is on freeways outside of urban areas, and in this field Tesla has a 7 year head start. I applaud any company trying to catch up. 

It will NOT have Autopilot, so already it’s at a disadvantage.

Source? I haven’t seen a review of the production version yet.

This is painfully misleading. It is clear you have never road-tripped in a a Tesla. Ask anyone who owns an EV what their preferred charge network is. The truth lies in what the people actually want, not a graphic that shows a bunch of cross-network, unreliable, low stall number, charging stations or Level 2 chargers

Why would they put this much effort into a car that only sells about 20k copies a year? Seems like that engineering would be better working on the next Model 3 killer. 

I have to say that’s all true, but the add in over the air updates, auto pilot, and free charging, and that’s what puts it over the top. 

A robotics teacher would be obligated to build an EV conversion with a Tesla motor.... just sayin’. 

Maybe she lives on that street. Geez man, I hope nothing like this ever happens to your family.

Come tour our shop here at EV West and we’ll help get the n00b out. Have you ever driven a Cobra with a Tesla motor? Bring diapers.

The new plug and play King of Power is a Tesla drive unit.... but this is cool in the meantime.

That Beetle is hiding a secret.

I have a Chicken Tax truck, but let’s face it, without the tax they wouldn’t be rare, and if they weren’t rare, we might not love them the way we do now.

Especially since it’s heavier and actually functional.

That much smoke and only a 12.6 in a fiberglass car. That’s actually pretty weak.

He is literally the only guy in automotive that I despise. Total idiot.

Wow, they are really doubling down on the Lexus look. Sad.

Maybe it’s time to convert it to electric?

Geez, us the iPhone charging station app already. It’s like you’re trying to be an idiot.