
“We don’t know who Mitt Romney voted for.” Wait, what? Do we not still have private voting in this country?

Right next to:

What do you think Conway sees in the nightmares that wake her up at 2am? I’m guess she doesn’t dream, she looks like the Phentermine and booze are getting on top of her. Haggard.

You know there is something about Donny. He just loves to relitigate shit. Like. okay.. most of us accept that despite all the shit you said that you won based on the system of voting that’s in place. Mostly fair and square. However he has to sound the alarm bells out. He acts like someone who lost the election, yet

It’s truly horrible but I’m also hopeful it’s temporary. He’s going to fuck them over as badly as everyone else. They might never admit they were wrong, but they probably will get much quieter.

I assume she’s getting about as much sleep as he is, only without the help of prescription speed. Every time he’s up tweeting at 3am, she’s being awakened by alarms like she lives in a firehouse. Also, every person who has had a useless tyrant for a boss has experienced the calls/messages on days off/vacations/middle

If millions of votes were illegal, then that’s all the more reason to have a nationwide recount. Not just the marginal States.

Trump’s source for information: “Forget the press, read the internet”

This is one of the many things that really burns about this election result. A lot of really horrible people are really happy. And they like to gloat. I’m not just talking about drunk idiots on airplanes (see recent report on guy who yelled “any Hillary b*tches on this flight?!”). There’s also Trump and his cronies.

Jerry Falwell Jr.’s Secret Service code name: “Holy Shit”

Ew. Her spirit animal has to be a maggot. Definitely something white, blind, and slime secreting.

Candidates pay the most attention to key/swing states during the election season, because that’s what matters for the electoral college. Lots of states were virtually ignored by both candidates.

this is legitimately terrifying. This logic will lead to draconian voter ID laws and election reform designed to ensure his reelection. Then naming SC justices, then directing them to find the 22nd amendment unconstitutional.

It’s been in that section for a few years now.

So I’m guessing this book will soon move to the nonfiction section of the library?


I really fucking hate her. Her willingness to stare the public in the face and tell flat-out lies is disgusting. I only take solace in the fact that, judging from her rapidly deteriorating outward appearance, the election and subsequent transition is likely driving her to an early grave.

Every television interview I’ve seen with Kellyanne Conway are about as illuminating as a conversation with a brick wall.

It’s 2016 and I’m rooting for mitt Romney and megyn kelly- what have I become?

I’m a little surprised that tweet isn’t “Fidel Castro is Dead! You’re welcome!”