For those who think it should be defunded, it’s simple. Watch children’s programming. Nobody gives a shit about educating young kids like pbs. There just isn’t any money in it. I’d rather have one less submarine, and keep pbs.
For those who think it should be defunded, it’s simple. Watch children’s programming. Nobody gives a shit about educating young kids like pbs. There just isn’t any money in it. I’d rather have one less submarine, and keep pbs.
I posted this above:
30-45 minutes of driving is a big yes. 30-45 minutes, where 25-38 minutes is spent inching along one six mile stretch of highway in bumper to bumper traffic is hell.
Counterpoint: 30-45 minutes of solitude in your car can be glorious.
Seeing as a lot of these trucks have mandated emissions equipment removed (federal crime) a roadside inspection by the police after a coal-rolling incident could result in big fines and vehicle impounding. Which I’m okay with.
I was reading this while singing “Wilco (The Song)“, so reaching halftime was a bit of a plate-of-shrimp moment for me.
I, too, experience this plight. Curiously, I can drink a whole bottle of wine and she says nothing. But three beers? The side-eye is strong.
This weekend, my wife and I stopped at a brewery, and I drank two one-liter mugs of beer. Afterwards she was appalled that I claimed to only have two beers, she said it’s more because of the volume. My thought is in the literal sense I only had two beers, but also, that was the serving size, so again, two beers. She…
M-F I only have coffee/tea until lunch
1st gear:
there’s NO REASON for wall st to love the auto indusrty. it remains a shit investment. it’s being propped up by sub-prime loans AGAIN, and is relying in truck/SUV sales AGAIN. both of these are going to send it into the shitter and probably soon.
These were good cars in their time. Green SSEi with the tan leather interior please.
Seriously, Jalops, this is it. The moment of truth. We need to buy this car.
Should I get an electric mower to replace my gas powered one? If so which do you recommend?
It also has to be 10 years since the act was passed, so no one qualifies until October. You don’t have to file the form every year, but I would recommend it just so you’re sure that you’re on track. A lot of people file it to find out they’ve been in the wrong payment plan or something. There are so many little…
This is why I love Lifehacker. I don’t have student loans, but my wife does, and she’s been paying them for just over 10 years, plus she works for a state university, which is definitely non-profit and maybe also counts as a state-level government entity. If this thing works out, you just saved my family a ton of…
I was once addressed as “domina” (i.e. latin for aristo lady person) by a dishy flight attendant; I’m pretty sure the seat is still wet. You can ma’am me all day long, fella. I’m into it.