
The flies will get her. But, on that note, what would be a deadly doseage of putrecine and cadaverine in the air?

— "Arya, I've seen you kill very many people."
— "Have you seen me kill a three-eyed raven?"

An octave of death? A tentacle of time? WTF?

That's the only thing that I could come up with, also.

Oh, Good Lord! There are things that you don't want to do to anyone because it would make you worse than them.

Was never taught the serpentine.

Oh, that reminds me of one of my favorite lines from Saturday Night Live.

He thought that they were weird chickens. The Hound likes his chickens.

I got to stop watching the "Previously on GoT" montage. They gave that reunion away.

By way of Euron plot armor.

I don't think that you get to live long next to a putrefying body full of disease causing bacteria and toxins.

Wouldn't the rotten corpse make Illera sick and kill her?

The rape and torture of the walk of shame nun was very much implied.

The maesters don't invent anything. The story of Westeros is thousands of years old and they've never improved in their technology.

It was explicitly stated that Cersei wanted Olenna flayed alive.

The best dialogue ever was between Tywin and Ollena.

But , then some would have believed that she was just making it up as a way to piss off Jaime and Cersei.

Then you havent read much about the way that ancient royals talked.

Jon had one job and it took Tyrion to ask him what he wanted. That's what Tyrion does. Through seven seasons he must have uttered, "What do you want?" like a dozen times.

— Don't drop the atom bomb.
— But, we've burned Tokyo to a cinder and they still say that every man, woman and child will die fighting any American that sets foot on the mainland.and we estimate a million American casualties.
— Ok, then drop it.