At night, silently from the sea.
At night, silently from the sea.
My thoughts exactly. Do it at night, without warning.
You didn't need to incinerate the whole lot of Kings Landing (although after the latest walk of shame, why not?). All you had to do is incinerate the Red Keep at night without warning while Cersei, the Mountain and Qyborn (What a despicable a—hole! Even more so than the rest of the Maesters, and they really are…
The way Tyrion gets around to convincing people is to ask them directly "What do you want?". That trait of his was analyzed by psychologists for the past seasons and here he is doing it again and moving forward because of it.
Then you didn't see the"Previously on GoT". They gave that reunion away.
Little Finger is the Niels Bohr of Westeros (Schrodinger didn't believe in his own thought experiment).
Well, Aegon got a dragon to fuse a bunch of swords together into a chair. That was some skillful dragon handling.
Olenna may be the mole in Dany's council. She may have sent word to Euron (Otherwise, how did he find Yara so easily?). She wants to force Dany's hand and have her incinerate King's Landing. Getting rid of the uncouth, obnoxious and insufferable Sand Snakes was just a bonus.
Lay siege to Kings Landing and starve the people. They'll hate you, but you'll have all your buildings left in pristine condition.
Too bad Lena Headey (the real one, not her naked body double) is rather flat chested.
Or… Olenna is back to killing people through machinations.
That had to be the showrunners trolling the audience.
I'm glad. That makes my day (it doesn't take much)..
Well, yeah but. Acting hands are common, autonomous acting eyebrows are just freaky.
Again, in the first season you could believe that when they didn't show Jack Bauer, that that's when he went to the bathroom. In the latter seasons, there just wasn't any time and he was never near a toilet. They just stopped caring about human logic.
Usually, if people tend to have two or more children, each generation should be more numerous, like Ned Stark and his offspring.
I didn't read your comment before I posted mine but I was also reminded of 24. The whole concept ballooned from a a terribly busy day to things that would take 24 days happening in 24 hours.
24 was the worse with time and space. The whole concept of making things that would take 24 days happen in 24 hours was unbelievable enough, but the characters drove fifty or a hundred miles in two minutes according to their "real time" clock.
Hey, "If it works, do it again until it doesn't". That's her military motto.
I've been saying this since the beginning. My answers is always, "The Maesters are A—holes!"