Sure the rest of the world liked obama, but tjhat was because he kept apologizing to them, bowing to foreign leaders, and otherwise destroyed America’s image around the world.
Sure the rest of the world liked obama, but tjhat was because he kept apologizing to them, bowing to foreign leaders, and otherwise destroyed America’s image around the world.
Considering that the road team, Minneapolis Roosevelt High School, has a predominantly black student body and has been staying in the locker room during the national anthem for their previous games, this would seem like more than some good-natured ribbing.
I admire Trump and his team’s ability to successfully push the narrative that supporting Trump = supporting America. It is so far removed from reality that having to explain it to someone is almost more trouble than it is worth.
No, I remember Chappelle and Brennan’s writing in the sketch exactly the way he explained it. Dave’s joking intro and outro was kinda like, “ None of us can believe Kelly is so flagrant yet hasn’t been caught up!”
I get that people digest content differently based on a million different factors. I get that victims and those close to them (rightly) can’t tolerate jokes about this shit, but... I can’t be the only person who remembers how critical that skit was of Kelly.
or list him by his proper title, “Dale Hansen - National Treasure”
He’s like my grandpa, if my grandpa weren’t a horrible racist.
What is the best way for law enforcement to handle this kind of thing? My question is sincere and is in no way meant to absolve the campus police or SLCPD.
Well, it’s a victory that black people can avail themselves of their legal rights even in Louisiana, but when someone is shot and killed,
I would like to be in a kayak when Nathan Peterman throws his first pass into McCovey Cove.
Air the whole clip, at least. He continued, “That’s why I’m proud of huffing paint thinner and things of that nature, because it’s only a habit, not an addiction.”
Addiction to marijuana?
Just FYI, when I get back to my computer from the bus stop I’m gonna ban everyone who came here to defend this doofus. Thanks.
No snark: He seems like a good dad.
Because two people living together have lower living costs than a single person living alone. SIGNIFICANTLY lower. Think of this, you’re a single guy living alone making 100k. Living fine, enjoying yourself. Then your colleague gets married and his wife isn’t working and you wonder HOW. The answer is they pay about…
Once again the government hates single people. I mean really REALLY hates them.
Do Rockets fans enjoy these Rockets? That’s a serious question. No snark. I’d rather watch a shitty team lose because they are shitty than watch a team win because they figured out an algorithm.
next time, post a youtube clip
I’m pleasantly surprised to see the Infinity War ending here. Most professional critics rushed to greet it with proud cynicism.
Killmonger’s vision was heartbreaking. Almost everyone who has lost a loving parent longs to see them again; but seeing them again, only to find them weeping in despair and disappointment over what you’ve become? Talk about an adult fear.