
Can we take a moment to appreciate how tastefully done the little “shoutouts” were? Like the axe flying in an arc, Alucard’s teleportation effect, the platforming section, etc... Maybe more that I missed. All very subtle touches that showed respect for the source material, without beating the viewer over the head

Well I adored the show..the dialogue is hit or miss but I’ve been watching anime for the better part of 25 years. Clunky dialogue doesn’t shake me much. It did feel very...Whedon-like. Depending on how you like Whedon that could be make or break. Castlevania very much reminded me why I hated the 2016-17 Berserk

This does my heart good! I have Cerebral Palsy and one of my desires is to attempt to play older video games and maybe stream them. My coordination is not the best so i struggle with games like Overwatch and Call of Duty so I generally avoid them and the chats. This gives me a little more courage to try. Thanks for

Right, I felt like the asker was young, in the sense that they didn’t understand how a conversation involves active listening and trying to respond to someone else’s interests. It goes both ways; sometimes I’ll send out conversational feelers to see if people are interested in gaming, but I’m eager to learn about

Ugh. Heard that. I’m dating a heavier girl, and for some reason, one of my dad’s dating criteria is “is my son’s SO someone I’d fuck?” Don’t even want to deal with that shit.

The PC market for such things seems to be growing, and I think that if public perception ever shifts we could see things like Nekopara with an adult content toggle hit at least Steam in the coming years. I recall Katawa Shoujo had such a switch.

I will absolutely always choose to use a more “fashionable” outfit in a game over any more powerful/protective gear. I spend literal hours mixing and matching and dyeing outfits in BOTW. In the Witcher I regularly got my ass handed to me because I REFUSED to change out of the dope armor set I liked for hours and

‘Hole Ecstasy’ is the new name of my garage band.

I don’t think we read the same article. O.O

A wild fedora-guy appears!

oh man is this a real post

Is this post satire?

Talk about a hard choice! For boy shep/me it was Tali all the way. But for girl shep/me my God was I torn. Garrus is a renegade bad boy just trying to do the right thing in so many wrong ways god he’s so dreamy... But Thane is a burning bright candle at both ends sensitive spiritual murder frog who is also a dying

But... but it’s my legal right to be as racist to people as I want with no consequences to myself morally, socially, and economically!

Nintendo Switch: “Zelda”

This isn’t backlash from Mass Effect 3, this is a massive downgrade from Dragon Quest Inquistion and the Mass Effect Trilogy. I don’t know what the hell happened but damn it I’m conflicted if I want it fixed or not

Welcome to Getting Older and the Golden Age of Indie Games.

As someone who has less and less time for games, my appreciation of indies continues to rise.

Night in the woods around the corner this game as well. Gaming is so good for indies right now l!

Dat ff8 re-arranged battle music!