Sana Lynn

So, yes, let's support Cosby's victims in going through the legal system, and if there are no avenues available to them, let's change the system. But let's not say The Cosby Show is no longer a good show, or that his donations to institutions are no longer good donations…let's not make naked statues of him… let's

Oh, no… we have to have a legal system. People need to be held accountable. But they don't need to be vilified. We don't need to protest outside their shows, or talk about them as if they are evil. I think we need to recognize that they are still human - they aren't monsters for what they've done. That's my

Oh, I'm not trying to make rape any less wrong… I'm trying to call myself to a higher standard that makes lying just as wrong. I don't really care what society says is right and wrong… I'm committed to living as nonviolently as possible… to cause the smallest amount of harm to myself and my fellow humans as I can.

Oh, I agree that 30 accusations carry more weight than one. But I don't know if a person who has committed 30 crimes has committed 30 times as much wrong. My basic point (and the point in the article I linked to) is that any harm to another human is harm to another human, and it's something we've all done. No, I've

Why is 30 worse than 1? Why is sexual crime worse than any other crime? Aren't we all human?

Does committing a sexual crime cast a pall over everything else a person ever has done or ever will do over the course of his or her life? Food for thought— "Outside the Rapist Box: Bill Cosby, Woody Allen & My Father" http://embodiedexperiments….