San Acitos Dirt Shrew

Lorelai slept with Christopher while he was engaged to Sherry. Rory called her out on that and her response was: "He wasn't married to Sherry". According to that reasoning, this should only become a problem to Lorelai once Logan actually ties the knot.

If it were, I would have done a Wendy Testaburger and arranged for it to be shot into the sun.

I was gonna say…
More screen time would have plunged my fingers into that socket.

*cough* Musical *cough*

I think her will to mock went away when she realized this thing was never going to end. I was unhappy and joyless too, but that quickly ended with a click on the forward button. She had to sit through the whole thing.

Speak for yourself. I myself would have embraced a venture away from the dried up turds. The reason it wouldn't have worked, though, would have been Rory's horrifyingly bad taste in men, not so much a lack of audience investment.

You're hired.

Appreciated. We must speak out against these atrocities. Standing by while doing nothing makes us just as bad. No, I take that back, the musical was still worse.

Funny, it worked the other way around for me. I never really liked them during the series, but when they showed up this time, due to the musical scene, I had just gone from wanting to stick my fingers in the nearest socket to end my suffering to complete euphoria that salvation was finally here, so I was actually glad

You take that back! That musical spawned three additional grey hairs on my head. I'm also out of Ibuprofen.

Interesting. My living room would have been the Apocalypse if I hadn't been able to forward through it. I did step on a fork, but that was intentional.

Well, it very nearly broke my will to live.

That was the part? You happily sat through the week-long musical scene?