Sam Yun


If these are legit, they will.

I can see how you read it that way, but the way I read it was that these companies are doing stuff that could be dangerous to kids, and that there are predators who do similar things. I didn't think that they meant to say that these companies are predators, since when I think of predators, the first thing that pops up

Except they're not calling these companies predators. They're saying that predators exist and theres enough of them to worry about that we shouldn't have to also worry about these companies.

You could try that calibration thing that was featured somewhere like a month ago.

I want a Catleap so badddd... Except I don't have enough for a new monitor...

4 bikes connected to a pallet on wheels?

I use DDWRT on a cheap Wireless N router I bought on sale, and set it up as a wireless access point. Its in the basement, and its connected to my primary router upstairs via Cat5e cable. The advantage here is that I don't have to go into my network settings and change SSIDs. Its all seamless.

Except the trial isn't about the iPhone to the GS3. Its about the iPhone to the OG GS. I'm not saying anything either way, whether Samsung is right or Apple is right, but the iPhone and the OG GS were very similar.

What he said. Ubuntu desktop is, I feel, a good beginners OS since, its linux, but has that GUI that is kinda similar to Windows, so you can start playing with it right off the bat.

I was joking, calm down... I use mostly Windows. I only use Ubuntu for trying out stuff, and trying to learn how to use Ubuntu Server, for work.

I know, I was just talking about iOS as itself. Not any hardware functions. I'm just saying its ludicrous to say that since Android started development in 2003, Apple didn't copy them because Apple announced iOS in 2007. They had to have started developing years earlier.

Linux people like to do stuff that would load viruses on Windows, so they feel superior when nothing happens. I would know. I'm one of them. ;D

And when did iOS start development? And the original iPhone? They both had to have started development years before 2007.

True that. I wonder how Windows 8's metro would run on it...

Makes sense.

Good to hear.

They don't have cheaper plans that have capped data limits?

They did actually. Look up the Samsung Q1.