Sam Yun

Its not just Live/Hotmail/MSN emails. Its ANY Live account. I have a Live account using my Gmail account, and when I signed in to [] there was a popup saying I could upgrade to 25GB for FREE! #tips


Thats a good point. Solution! a) wash it, or b) have 2 bags. and wash them.

Elaborate? I mean its not like I put in completely open packages in my bag or anything. If I put in a sealed thing of beef, I'll cook it. Bye bye bacteria!

Oh I completely agree. In school, we had this guy come and extol the benefits of plastic. But I mean why cant you just toss it in with your laundry?

Well as long as the meat is sealed in that food wrap thing, the meat is reasonably protected.

Or you could just toss it in with other laundry? Or just hand wash it with cold water? You don't need warm water to clean it.

I thought we had one that was canceled. Or was that for something else...

Now playing

Hehehe... But I'm a pretty good driver. No accidents yet and I've had my license for about half a year now. Insurance is awful. 16 year old male driver=$$$

That is true. Good thing I'm not most young drivers!

You know what? I give up. While I'm trying to be civil, you're insulting me.

WHY SHOULD THEY CARE IF PEOPLE STILL BUY THEIR STUFF? If people stopped buying their stuff, but they should care, but millions still buy Apple. And while the crossover rate from iPhones to Android might be high, and Android is currently the #1 smartphone OS, iOS is still the #1 MOBILE OS, which includes iPod Touches

+1 for CM9.

The part I don't understand is, just because most other companies follow the same pattern, why should you expect Apple, a company with a history of being different, to do the same?

Is it bad that my troop never learned that paper part?

... I was serious... OP made it sound like he was serious, and didn't see why we didn't understand he was joking...

If people are that pissed, another second to look up won't matter.

Thats good/

"After 11 months they should drop their price the same way just about everyone else does."

Did she pay medical damages?