
I didn’t listen so that the carpenter one can still get it.

There are lots of ways to find out what’s on the phone, but the NSA isn’t about to cooperate with a piddly FBI investigation and expose to the world that they’ve already cracked iOS.

You may or may not be one of those suspects. Please hand over all personal info, property, and turn yourself into the nearest police station for processing. We will decide if you’ve done anything wrong. Not complying means you’ve done something wrong and you will be sentenced as guilty.

If they were so dumb-and-not-at-the-same-time to leave this phone alive while destroying so many other equipment, then surely there are lots of other options the FBI can use to find relationships and some other suspects.

Urgency? It’s been two and a half months already. The suspects are dead. What urgency?

I just wish he’d have the dignity to go ahead and die.

Looking at him reminds me of the old Nazis who were prosecuted.

“Just when we thought Cosby couldn’t sink any lower, he surprises us!”

I thought Dubya was the worst president of my lifetime, and right now, staring down the barrel of President Trump or President Cruz, I'm actually starting to miss him a little....

What I really find beautiful about statements like that is the unbridled arrogance of them. You don’t get to decide who goes to hell. God does. Show some goddamn humility to the Big Guy you choose to believe in.

He does have a shit-eating grin

I have no words. Which is unusual for me...

I’m guessing the disgusting rumor is that he’s into scat, right? He’s a powerful dude and they all like being degraded and dominated in the bedroom (or in his case the bathroom.) Like that Senator from Lousiana and his diaper fetish.

CTE had nothing to do with it. It's the restrictive gun laws and trampling of the constitution that killed him. If only there was a good guy with a gun to prevent this terrorist act.

Let’s play Clue, shall we?


If it was a legitimate question I’m sure the candidate has ways of, you know, shutting the whole thing down.