
If words and phrases no longer have any offensive connotations to 99.9% of people, why bother? Languages evolve over time, these phrases have completely divorced themselves from their origins. Literally no one is complaining about this.

People died, so I’m going to refrain from making any joke about how commendable it is for Amtrak to hire so many Navy veterans.

Those numbers basically mean that a bunch or black car services are rotating their inventory, and Lincoln will be soon returning to their usually meh sales figures.

“in immense pain and with limited mobility.”

Blah, blah, blah. You also don’t “own” the sidewalk in front of your house, but by law you have to keep it in good condition even if requires you to repair/replace it and need to keep it free of snow and other things that can’t cause injury if used. You think you can remove the sidewalk and put down grass because it’s

Is this original reporting? The story is incredibly similar to a Guardian article that appears to have came out earlier this morning, down to the lede and Anslinger quote. Coincidence or am I missing a citation somewhere, or is it on the Guardian’s end?

No it’s not, but thanks for proving my point.

that’s just the price you’ll have to pay for investing gambling with cryptocurrencies.

I mean, it affected the first 2 model years, the only 2 model years so far...this is a pretty rare incident to happen, and it’s being covered for free anyway...

While Lengyel is suspended, Fuel will offer him “additional resources, focus coaching, physical training, and support” to help him improve.

If I worked in that area I’d do that shit too.

These men are heroes.

The OP’s post is merely an anecdote for sure, but let’s not pretend there’s any strong data actually supporting getting rid of grid girls either. I say this as someone who’s not particularly fond of the concept anyway, but this whole debate is just two sides arguing on their self-anointed moral imperatives with no data

Why didn’t she simply walk out? Why did she blow him? This is clearly a consensual sexual encounter she later regretted. “I didn’t really want to do it, but I did anyway” is not sexual misconduct.

Just to let you know that the security supervisor, the charge nurse, and the doctor who initiated the expulsion of this lady has been fired.

I’ve always had a problem with this piecemeal approach to immigrants rights. First, all the acronyms (“DACA”, “DREAM”, “DREAMers” - and nobody ever bothers to spell out the acronyms on first usage in an article ...I guess because we’re all supposed to know what they mean). Second they cherry pick the immigrants that

The SWAT officer who pulled the trigger is to blame. The person who called the fake incident into the police is to blame. The person who passed along the victim’s address is to blame.

Eh. It cuts both ways with me. People can identify however they want, and gender roles don’t need to be adhered to, but it’s also kind of a pointless folly to act like they don’t exist. 200 years from now, hell, a thousand years from now, men and women will still have different wardrobe and stylistic choices. There

It most definitely existed before that, and is why we all flutter our hands over our mouths when a politician is caught having an extramarital affair, a teacher finally tells a persistently disruptive student to STFU, a professional (physical) athlete is caught doing drugs, or something similar.

Persons in positions of

Wouldn't she still be faced with the same situation, only by text?