
Former tobacco user who quit by using vape pens before the BIG CLOUD BRO era started:

Maybe it’s his marketing working on me, but I find Koenigsegg more believable than the monolithic Bugatti and Hennessey the braggart. I really do think that this Jesko he made can cross the magic 300.

dear penthouse

They would bearly hold up any weight. Also, they bearly sold any so they are hard to find and I couldn’t bear to see them destroyed.

Because it’s fucking stupid to ban “vices.” I think we learned that during Prohibition and over the course of the “war on drugs.” 

Nah, it’s just the mass quantities of ICB.

I’m curious to see how they account for other variables. Denver for example has had an explosion in population, significantly more traffic, significantly more people that are not used to winter driving, also significantly more degenerates that just came for the weed. Basically when California sends their people, they

It is possible to not like someone but respect the position they hold. Just because you may not be a fan of Trump, that wouldn’t make receiving a high five from POTUS any less a memorable experience.

Easy. Just designate all the not ready planes as parts planes. The sooner you admit your project car isn't going to be finished, the sooner you can get rid of it on Craigslist and move on. No time wasters, I know what I've got.

Wait, what? WHAT!?!? I don’t know how many Jalopnik staffers have criminal justice degrees. While it’s true that street racing is stupid and unsafe and juvenile and a million other negative adjectives, your take on how JOURNALISTS should be the one to rat out street racers is, quite frankly, bonkers because once

We used to run SW:CCG tourneys at a shop I managed (before I bought it). One weekend we had a kid playing that was just being a total ass. He was super hyper, being rude to everyone and wouldn’t listen. So instead of kicking him from the event, I walked over, picked up his black border Darth Vader, folded it in half,

Guess they should’ve named it Steamy.

Why doesn’t it just randomly play the conversations of yours Alexa has already recorded? 🤔

This deeply goes against modern American politics where one’s own team is the only source of truth, whatever they do and the other is evil no matter what but...

Most restaurants, like 90%, can’t afford to pay their employees a flat wage because their costs are already high and profit margin are already slim (think 5-8%). In addition, the cost of a meal has remain relatively stagnant while the cost of ingredients, labor and customers’ expectations have all steadily increased

Getting air and fuel into a reciprocating piston engine is tricky.

You forgot to factor in the cost of buying the car. Listing just maintenance cost is false.

When The Root sides with Virginia over Loving....

I agree. The board of MGM is looking at a possible sympathy judgement of $1M per claimant - about $2.5Billion in cash plus paying all the legal costs of all the claimants/a class action suit. And they are looking at this action hanging over them for a decade.

Unfortunately for the caller, Sterling has no law against having an open container of whoop-ass.