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Ok, so maybe it's not actually the driver's fault, but I don't think things could get much worse than getting spiked by one of your own.

What The Duck did was stupid and reckless, but you've gotta hand it to the guy- he managed it without killing himself or anyone else. I'm reasonably impressed at that.

I'm going to borrow some words from Moog to describe this car.

The engine - Rubbish. The suspension - Ruined. Outside of the car - Blue. Everything else - Looks like turd. Ladies and gentlemen, THE BLUE TURD.

Any "Car vs. Jet" comparison.

That they let a Miata park in the men's section of the parking lot?

Well, I got this as my first birthday gift a few days after I was born. Still have it somewhere. Even when I was little I displayed it, rather than playing with it.

Right here in my hot little hand:

Driving a BMW or miata fast takes some skill, but the car is easily capable if you can hold on. Driving an old land yacht fast requires bending some laws of physics and having a pair or four of balls that rival the moons of mars. But it can be done, and it is great fun just to watch.

And he didn't catch fire!

Am I the only one who has completely lost interest in this car? Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of the old NSX... But they've been teasing us with this thing for years now, and it's still 2 years away... I feel like it's already an old car, and it's not even done development yet... Maybe that will change when it

The ISS crew in 2006 launched the SuitSat, a satellite consisting of an old Orlan spacewalk suit. They stuffed it with garbage and jettisoned it from the crew hatch with a radio transmitter. They (somewhat) succesfully proved that you can re-use old junk to make satellites.

I don't have dates, I don't have research, I don't have pictures. That being said, I suggest the space toilet. Not enough is said about not having your bowels blasted into deep space.

Pleather bolsters with velour inserts. This was the 80's.

I like it, but I don't 6 grand like it. You could get a lot more car at the same price point. CP. Also, the vinyl seats look very dusty thought it may just be the lighting.

I think the number one thing newbies do wrong is not playing with friends.