
This is like eating a mediocre chicken sandwich at a restaurant and then demanding you also be allowed to eat the beaks and feathers.

" 9 Things You Didn't Know You Could Do And Probably Still Won't Do Now That You Know Them.

Too bad that you didn't even skim the post because I addressed your point in the second paragraph:

"Of course, you could move away to a cheaper, less competitive city, but that isn't always possible. Maybe you have a job in the city, or family nearby."

It was nowhere near as bad as I was expecting. Kudos to their technical advisers who didn't completely shit the bed. I was expecting a trainwreck at best and a total shitshow at worst. There were definitely stupid parts, but I think it fell just shy of a trainwreck. I think I need to make a drinking game for this.

cool! although...the stuff that i watch that i don't want anyone else to know about, would not be on netflix... ;)

The reason London is so much cheap... sorry, less expensive is that those moths are holiday months in terms of business and as we all know companies enjoy the the less frugal company credit card so that's why everything is more expensive then. The major hotels in London make more from business bookings than tourists