
Dragon Quest Builders

I need this for my eventual wedding at Ravens’ Stadium.

Welcome to Maryland, where we throw crabs because the Natty Boh is regarded as Holy Water

This post needs more old bay

People who can’t afford to throw lobster.

Marylanders, but we usually throw cans of Old Bay.

It's in Maryland I'm surprised that only one crab was thrown

He’s lucky he didn’t catch the crabs. (exits stage left)

Getting a dead crab is a huge compliment in Maryland. The locals call it a “Baltimore Bouquet”.

We throw dead catfish at Predators games. This just means esports has finally made it.

As much as I love this, I feel like it’s insulting Donkey Kong. I’m pretty sure even a gorilla can spell “hamburgers”.

So.....they arrested him on nothing more than a tip and found no actual drugs but were still able to urine test him without probable cause? It’s one thing to have tough penalties on drug possesion but this? That’s a whole nother wack of bullshit.

It absolutely blows my mind that Japanese drug discourse makes DARE look evidence-based. A friend who lives in Tokyo told me a while back that the overwhelming mainstream perception of drugs in Japan is that being at all involved with that stuff automatically means you’re a straight up evil person, and that prejudice

Since they aren’t from Earth, I’m guessing everyone in the film is an alien.

I know they’re worried about legal ramifications, but at some point I think Valve just needs to come out and say:

you’ve kept your PC on doing this glitch for over 4 days straight. yep, definitely a lot of dedication there.

Im still doing the glitch now. I never logged off I'm going until it stops I'm at over 250 million now.

As a lefty, I was of course, grabbing the seldom used right side of the cabinet. It was never really worn in on that side on any machine I ever played, so I always felt privileged to have the less deteriorated side of the cabinet to hold onto!

hey i’ve gotten kills with it. just gotta have good aim up close. and then once you’ve killed them, hopefully you’ll loot them for a better gun!