
Anything inspired by Eric Chahi’s “Out of this World” is a win in my book. Yeah, the 80's aesthetic works so well with this, probably because it falls back on the weird essence of the 80's and doesn’t rely on “look a rubiks cube/delorean/power glove” tropes that so many others do.

All 360 games part of GWG are BC. So all 4 games are playable on Xbox One and it even says that in the post and video.

Cool now I can get Borderlands 2. For those who don’t know the 360 titles re not tied to Gold once you cancel it they’re yours to keep

Learning that Magikarp in Japan is called Koiking made my night.

I had a giant kill a dragon for me. Taught me to stay well away from those brutes for a while :P

Back in my Ultima Online days I had many stories like this... although I have forgotten many. Early on in my career I liked to journey out into the middle of nowhere just to see what was there. Most of the time I’d just jet away from any threats (aka anything) but one time I found myself in a really bad spot and got

Alright, here’s a story why being friends with the server administrator can be very helpful... usually.

Wow. What a creep. Good riddance to bad rubbish, I suppose. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were some legal troubles in his future.

That’s kind of how capitalism craftsmanship works, you pay more than the base cost because it saves you the time and effort and they can likely do it better than you

WE still use crown royal bags for our dice; only now it’s leagal for us to carry Crown Royal...because we’er old.

That’s kind of how capitalism works, you pay more than the base cost because it saves you the time and effort and they can likely do it better than you

I can’t wait until developers start getting nostalgic for Mega Man X.

That is somehow pretty eerie, almost biblical to be honest... I huge bunch of people just gather on a plain, doing nothing, and then they all disappear together in a flash of purple light.

I mistook a couple of these for just really good cosplay at first, namely Mercy and girl in the skirt/blouse combo. Very impressive.

to clarify on the glitch: Each civ was assigned multiple integer variables to determine their personality and playstyle. For Ghandi, his hostility variable was set to -255, the lowest possible variable considering he was historically a pacifist. However when you adopted a certain government style (democracy) it

Yep, that's it. As the game progresses, the aggression scores of all the leaders decreases. This is because it's not fun when the leaders are so casual about war with nukes and planes as they are with archers. But Ghandi, over time, will fall into a negative value which gets read as "Super Hitler" mode, and he

I hear the glitch originated from this. Ghandi is so pro-peace that when he gets a boost from a late game tech it pushes that variable below its minimum value and the game treats it as if the variable was maxed out turning him the most aggressive. I guess they found it funny so they just gave him that personality in

It was based off of a glitch in the original Civ. The Ghandi AI would waver from polite to crazy so quickly. The devs have kept it going in all Civ releases since.

I think it's become some sort of a running gag that Ghandi in the Civ games is kind of a warmonger.