
Oh damn, I forgot about the age old "you killed Jesus" comment. That has been said to me several times too. It's always the people who make these comments that also tend to forget that, wait for, Jesus was Jewish. I know, shocking right? UGH. PEOPLE.

Gold, Frankincense and Purr.

I have to be honest here... I'm not outraged. I think the ad looks just like her in those other photos... she's genetically gifted and has the resources to keep her body in great condition which puts her above what most of us can achieve at that age, but (and I photoshop for a living) I don't think its fair to say

Important question: why did Maria come back with a Hillary Clinton suit?

So long, farewell, auf wiedsersehen, good night...

You are 16, going on 17..........and he looks 25, going on statutory.

VAMPIRE BEEEEEL! He is no Plummer, though.

Oh Carrie.
I like your voice just fine, but your acting... Sweetie...

Do you think Mr. Von Trapp might spring out and bite some Nazi necks? That might make things more interesting...

In particular, pee color—which ranges from completely clear to golden and even weirder colors like blue or green—can tell you if you're hydrated enough. It's useful to know that if you don't see any color you might be drinking too much water, while the darker yellow and amber colors are signs to go fill your water

As a kid this really would upset me. I was the only Jewish kid and we'd have projects like "write a wishlist for Santa, but since Chanukah all ready happened, you can just write stuff you wish you got..." oh ok cool. Every 8 year old likes to think about all the gifts they DID NOT and WILL NOT get. I think that its

"Do you speak Jewish??"

Not to mention a lot of the Jewish people in the entertainment world still change their names in order to "blend" and be acceptable by middle America.

They left out the Pittsburgh yinzers! Yeah, it looks like they got someone from Philadelphia to say y'uns, but this is why they call them yinzers! Gross oversight!

Also, we still haven't had a Jewish president. So I'm not sure why "Jewish Connections" are relevant in that thought.

Tickets! Because I get to go too and I know she wanted to see it but didn't want to spend the money. Uh, I guess check to see if the tour is coming through your town?

I've had generalized anxiety disorder since 1991. I've never kept quiet about it. In my experience, obviously lengthy, there is simply no other worse disease/illness one can have, at least non-fatal. Any amount of pain, difficulty with limbs, etc. does not entirely eliminate a life the way anxiety does. I have