
Make it so! Seriously, I would watch the crap out of this.

About a century ago, sapphires were traditional engagement gems because it meant fidelity and love. We went with a man-made sapphire (still the exact same chemical composition as a "real" sapphire) and it was $25 for a 6mm stone (about the same size as a 1carat diamond). I also helped pick out my ring 'cause I'm the

To me the most unflattering was that bathing suit because the belt was WAY too tight and made her look overstuffed.

LIES! Try their marshmallow caramel one. Sooooo good. Or their toffee.

On December 17, 2001, my 2nd cousin passed away from melanoma. I stayed home that day and went with my Mom to visit my 12 year old brother, Jake, in the hospital. He had been battling cancer (Rhabdo mayo sarcoma), and gone through remission, and then back to cancer within the span of a little over a year. I hung out

And stand up comedian. At least at one point when he came to speak at the camp I went to.

Yes! My cat starts, then looks at me. Then I say no. Then she looks at me and then swipes my full water glass/half-full water glass/cell phone/whatever off the table.

I get Ellen Page ALL. THE. TIME. I honestly look absolutely nothing like her, other than that I dressed similarly when Juno came out. Weirdly enough, I've been told I look like her even while dressed in business clothes at work.

Yes! This is the smartest idea I've heard all night.

I'm always really surprised when I'm judged for living with my fiance (we're going to be married in 18 days!). To me, there's nothing weird or "counterculture" about it. We've basically lived together since we started dating 4 years ago because we couldn't stand being apart.

Apparently, I am a toddler. When I'm trying to be "healthy" and "eat better", I pretty much subsist on string cheese (protein!) and maybe bananas (potassium!).

I'm more offended by the horrible photoshop and the ugly bandana.

My dad's word of wisdom is "It's called a stick out because it sticks out". (PS, no clue WTF this means)

Sometimes I wish that Nathan Fillion would adopt me.

I seriously am so jealous of people who can take birth control pills so they can be in charge of when/how often they menstruate and also have lighter/shorter periods. I can't do estrogen, but used to take progesterone pills even though I couldn't use it as pregnancy prevention (I have other meds that interfere with

About a month ago, I went with my fiance and his family to the mountains. Had a nice hike, then lunch, and then drove to a nearby waterfall. In the car, I started feeling very, very ill. The actual parking lot for the waterfall trail was closed, so the place we parked at was about a mile and a half from the visitor's