
He absolutely is. Which is why I’m expecting a 3 AM tweet from Trump attacking him for it, sadly.

I strongly doubt he could even get his shrivelled shrimpdick up long enough for a condom to be necessary in the first place.

“Snakmen Peopel" was gonna be the name of my band. Well shit, now what am I supposed to do?

He settled for a condescending “I’m sorry to see you know you don’t have a cogent argument so you’re just going to *wet fart noise*” because I guess he’s just gotta have that last word.

If they were capable of that kind of self-reflection they wouldn’t be here in the first place.

hey I got my first troll comment from dontchokeonyourwoke. Fuck off, you dismissed shitheel.

It’s been circulating on Facebook but basically they’re blaming the man they murdered for not being healthy enough to strangle for nine minutes.

He thought he was a John Cena, when he was in fact only a Tom Austin.

I hope he's learned a valuable lesson about just how small and powerless his "God" really is. I mean, of course he hasn't, but it would be nice to think in the future he'll know not to rely on his Magic Sky Friend for help and be more inclined to look for real solutions to problems.

I finally managed to finish the mission that was giving me trouble in Ace Combat 7, so now I’m hoping I can push through to the end relatively quickly. It’s a fun game, but mission 13 “Bunker Buster” was frustratingly difficult for me and I ended up going on a break from it to Doom 2016, and from Doom 2016 to FFVIIR.

“I wouldn’t share a foxhole with him.” Navarro wouldn’t be in a foxhole period, this douche isn’t a soldier. A war profiteer almost certainly, but not a soldier. And this isn’t a war, you stupid fuck.

For my recruiting, since my last few playthroughs have all been Crimson Flower (it’s my favourite AND the shortest route in one convenient package!), I did one “recruit everybody” run, but now I just focus on the people I think would make sense from a story perspective to join the Empire (at least for the students; I

fuckers stole my band name

I was so pissed off when I found out about that. I remember reading someone (might have been a commenter here, can’t recall) saying it’d be like if after Infinity War Thanos had been dealt with in an episode of Agents of SHIELD.

They're still whining about the Birka grave. Yeesh. How dare those women insist on interfering with their warrior fantasies with stupid old reality.

It’s implied she does survive, even if her “death” seemed pretty definitive. The credits image of Biggs waking up has one of Jessie’s gloves lying in a desk nearby which seems to suggest she lived?

Mortal Kombat Trilogy; the first-ever game I bought for my first-ever console. I bought it for the playable bosses. That’s the good nostalgia shit.

The Gravedigger of Democracy.

Unless McConnell and Trump pull a Genghis Khan and has their burial places be a complete secret, I do not envy the poor groundskeeper who will be cleaning all the shit, vomit, and other assorted offal that will daily blanket their graves once the fuckers finally expire.

Did Trump do something immoral, self-serving, and highly corrupt?