
I thought I could handle that last letter. I made it as far as the Emmett Till diatribe before I realized it kept going and that’s where I tapped out. Hoo boy was that going places.

for me it’s not the truck photo that makes me see red-though that’s damn close second-but the one from when he was at Mar-A-Lago with Shinzo Abe, not long after the election and North Korea set off that nuke or...fuck, it feels like a hundred years ago, but there was an NK-related crisis and Trump had his staff and

For what it’s worth, this story turned up in my newsfeed before I saw it here, and it clarified that the precinct he abandoned his kid at was actually closed down. It wasn’t clear if he knew that before he did it, though.

And the same people who gleefully went after Malia Obama as soon as the opportunity presented itself. They have no shame, and no memory.

Ayup. Him and McConnell.

When I was a kid I usually walked away from Christmas with about $500 from one set of grandparents, who couldn’t get out much due to my grandma’s stroke and my uncles, who lived out of province. And one of my friends at the time had just bought an N64 and I thought Super Mario 64 was the *hottest shit*. Holy crap,

the trick has been to recognize that “Superhero” is not a genre unto itself, but simply another method of telling genre stories.

Me watching the trailer: “Oh, so THAT’S what happened to Hopper after season 3.”

No lie, I thought Civil War was building towards a Thunderbolts reveal with Zemo being after the cryofrozen second-gen Winter Soldiers.

So does this take place during the five-year timeskip in Endgame? It’s definitely post her involvement in the Avengers, and the five years does give her a lot time to work with.

I haven’t ugly-laughed at a Star Wars meme like this since “And your pal, Friendpatine”. Thank you.

Probably Xenogears. Just about anything by Yasunori Mitsuda is high on my list, but Xenogears, hot mess of a game though it was, has a lotta good tunes. I’m especially fond of Flight, Grahf and Id’s themes; Flight is big and heroic-sounding and plays I think for the first time when Maria finds her resolve and takes

I hope so. By the end of this series, I’m hoping to be able to rock a whole posse of badass Mandalorian supercommandos in toy form.

This is awesome, but where’s the Blacksmith and her sweet-ass Spartan-style Mandalorian helmet and fur-lined armour?

When Trump does die, they’re gonna have to pull some Genghis Khan-level shit and hide his burial site, because otherwise it will become the single most-pissed on, defaced, and vandalized grave in the world. People will be lining up to shit on that headstone.

If you choose the Black Eagles, then in the month leading up to the Holy Tomb battle (and thus, the timeskip), you have to talk to Edelgard in the Monastery during a free day. If you do, she’ll ask you to come to Enbarr, the Imperial capital with her, and you can choose to go with her or not. If you do, you’ll trigger

I wouldn’t call Edelgard a fascist in Crimson Flower at least, since that’s the route where she’s at her best, but I do think it’d be fair to say she’s still an imperialist. But then again, that’s pretty par the course for FE protagonists and the same label could be levied at Dimitri and Claude as well. Even at its

Your approach to recruiting is mine as well; in my first run I earmarked a few characters I wanted to always recruit and I focus on them. It ended up being, uhhh...Ingrid, Mercedes, Sylvain, Marianne, Lysithea and Lorenz. Ingrid naturally gravitates towards being a flying unit and since that’s an area the Black Eagles

They're also "anti-government" yet now they're hiring themselves out as muscle for the President of the United States.

I like the part where Cable blows up a Metal Gear.