
This Transformers-based forum I go to has lots of pictures of the Transformers on display. They look really good.

Is it weird that my favourite Pokemon isn’t one of the original 150? It’s Infernape from the D/P/P games.

My wife managed to import a Lucina Amiibo for me for my birthday last month. It’s the one Amiibo I really wanted, so I don’t think I’ll go out of my way to collect any more. But with my Lucina, and my wife’s Marth and Robin, we’ll be well set for Fire Emblem Fates coming out later this month. XD

This gave me a very good laugh and I hope it wins.

I’m still amused by the game my brother played a year or two back with the Old Gods expansion. He formed a Viking empire that ended up ruling most of Europe. The highlight was when he conquered Rome in a fit of pique and forced the Papacy to flee to Albania. When the Pope called a Crusade against the heathen Norse,

So is Haley Joel Osment still playing Sora’s dub voice? I mean, what the hell else is he doing these days?

Probably the time my older brother convinced me I was turning into a vampire. I was so scared about this (In retrospect I don’t know why, vampires rock) that my mother actually had to take me to the doctor’s office so the doctor could tell me I was in no danger of turning into a vampire. My only defense is that I was

I couldn’t find an image or gif of it, but Shulk looks so super pissed off as he’s clapping that I find it very amusing.

I used to have a couple of the EU anthology books when I was a wee one; Tales From The Bounty Hunters, Tales From Jabba’s Palace, and Tales From The Cantina, I think. Mostly it just amused me how they gave backstories to EVERY extra from the cantina scene in Ep.IV. The only actual EU novel I ever read...I’m trying to

The pots are a nice touch.

Trypticon. Then Omega Supreme. Then Scorponok. If we can influence the order in which we get the toys, because I also believe all three are coming, then that is the order I’d like to see them come in.

I do, in fact, know where it came from. I looked it up after I made the original post, and it came straight from RTD’s mouth. From the Doctor Who Wiki’s article on John Frobisher:

I guess Ashildr really took that whole “What do we say to the God of Death? Not today.” lesson and just ran with it, huh?

I’m pretty sure somewhere in the Expanded Universe (so it’s granted of dubious canonicity) they explain that Frobisher is the last descendant of Caecilius, and his death during Children of Earth, wiping the line out entirely, is the Universe balancing itself out because the Doctor saved Frobisher’s ancestors from

MCU comic-tie ins are a good start. Now, here’s where we need to go;

Rogue was so good. I hated Unity, I still have not finished it, but I loved Rogue. But as much fun as I was having whilst playing it, I also knew that Ubisoft was never, ever going to do anything else with it. It feels like so much wasted potential. Anyway, I’m waiting on the reviews for Syndicate. If they’re not

Especially since Sumia can’t S-Support with Kellam...

All right, so I’ve missed the boat on this one, so I’ll share it anyway. I used to work at a KFC in my hometown, which is a small town in southwestern Ontario. The KFC had a pretty skeevy reputation around town because one of the former managers had been a drug-dealer on the side and would sell his merchandise out the

Also, didn’t Skaro show up in the Asylum of the Daleks episode? I’m fairly confident Eleven went to Skaro (which was admittedly a big, abandoned ruin) to meet the lady who turns out to be a Dalek Puppet and takes him to the Dalek Parliament or whatever.

Lucina is my fourth Figma; it arrived last week from a Japanese retailer after they finally got in stock. It’s fantastic! I’ve really developed a taste for these things. They’re not (in most cases) as stupidly expensive as some other specialty figures. The other three I own are Fate/Zero Saber (for that sweet black