
That is probably the greatest use of slo-mo I’ve ever seen in a sports replay.

Fwiw, I don’t THINK this toolbox is actually a cop. That wallet thing he’s holding is commonly given out to cops’ family members and contains a miniature version of the cop’s shield.

“Honestly, I was searching black caulk.”

As a former dealership salesman, this is exactly how we talk about people. We see a lot of jackasses that we have to be nice to so we blow-off steam when we can

Why not is a much better question


That’s the biggest sucker I’ve ever seen!

The best thing to do when a team does something really stupid like this is head straight for their SBN blog and read the comments.

Live look at Drew Magary:

When the lightskinned brothers start attacking each other, we’ve truly lost all hope. We were supposed to be a team!


CTE is real, folks.

Jalops (and Oppos) are the absolute best of the best, and I truly mean that.

Come on solar flares!!!

I’m down.... and instead of the poke gyms or whatever for doing the duels that result in 12 year olds pitting their slave animals I’m fights to the death, there would just be race tracks. And instead of the fights to the death, there would just be races.... I feel like this game would be much more appropriate for kids

Dude, this is one of those million dollar ideas. Make this happen. a Jalopnik Go app would be the best thing of all time.

YES. This is the best thing I have read on Jalopnik all day.