Don’t tell me how to eat my food!
Don’t tell me how to eat my food!
Gwen, not only that, he donated a lot of money to charities and we never knew about it until he passed, much like the rent for Ms. Parks. As in, he as the best kind of person, for he didn’t do it for praise, but due to having a big heart.
This. What is this abomination?!
Thank you for the realistic, wonderful, inciteful comment, free of hyperbole. Always a great way to win people over to your side.
Mac’s just came out with these (on the left), and they are incredible. Best I’ve ever had outside a Mexican grocery cantina, where you can nab’em fresh.
“...Mister Donut, which now serves pasta and hot dogs.”
I couldn’t read past the spoilers since I haven’t played Super Mario Odyssey, but this article rings true. Breath of the Wild (which I now see as one of the top 3 games of all time) was as if Nintendo finally gifted us Ocarina of Time II, or at least something as epic and amazing. I remember playing that game my…
This. Is. Great.
Kinopio is what they call the lil’ bastard in Japan.
I had the chicken (breakfast?) sandwich with honey and it was one of the greatest fast food items I’ve ever eaten. I will try the melts next time!
I agree with the first part of this statement so very much, and wonderfully said. The second half? I have yet to try it, and can’t wait to do so someday. I live in Kanas City, so trying every BBQ sauce before I die is in my blood.
A plain hot dog is better than... *strikes up courage just to mutter* with...ketchup.
A plain hot dog is better than... *strikes up courage just to mutter* with...ketchup.
Hasn’t this always been a simple answer mixed with etiquette? I was always informed to leave my napkin loosely folded on my seat when leaving, but coming back.
Alan Wake! What a game...What. A. Game! 🕹
What the living fuck? 4? That’s hardly anything.
We are the only mammals to continue and drink milk after nursing and though that’s weird, don’t you dare take my milk away from my cookies!
I tried Whataburger in Oklahoma when I ventured down to see Pearl Jam and I was pleasantly surprised. Definitely going again if given the chance.
Honestly, once their CEO spoke out against marriage equality and hasn’t hid his disdain for those who are LGBTQ, it didn’t help in bringing in people that age or younger — even a tad bit older. I remember a lot of people weren’t the happiest and quit supporting their business.
One of my favorite things to eat in this world. I drive 2 hours at times to grab about 12 double cheese sliders and eat them one by one, until each one is in my happy belly. Usually, I name each one before they take such a journey, for that’s the least they deserve.