Samurai I-am-awry

Oh also, I just thought of something else. I can't help but notice that the notebook there has a webcam. Granted, I haven't done a very in depth search of the Chrome OS store, but does that mean there is potentially some sort of skype web app? (or something simialr)

@Geisrud: F6 to go up to the address bar in your browser of choice.

I don't see how "The trackpad really does not like having two fingers on it at once. It's not multitouch, but you can use two fingers for right clicking" is a plus.

@Relay: OK Point taken. However, I still stand by the overall point there. "Dark of the Moon" is a really terrible name.

Here are my takeaways:

@jdale: I know. I watched the video precisely to see how it did that, but then they just jump right over.

I know I'm kind of late to the party here, but I have a question about these. Since these aren't just links to the actual websites can I run these offline? Obviously not ones like tweetdeck but something like aviary or writespace? It's be cool to be able to work on them offline then just save next time you connect

@Almightywhacko: haha I feel like we're on different sides of the same boat. I actually agree with a lot of what you say. "Table camping" as you call it (good name, by the way), is rude and annoying, unless they are in fact buying stuff from the restaurant.

@paradox: I totally agree. I'm not saying you should leave the iPad to save your seat. I'm saying that the idea that saving your seat means that 'you deserve to have your stuff stolen' (see OP) is wrong.

@Almightywhacko: Call me selfish, but I don't like returning from the bathroom to find people sitting at my table. The idea is that I'll be right back, you're probably leaving a cup of coffee or something at your seat anyway also.

I don't think that will work well. If those buttons are like the kind found on normal smart phone keyboards, they'll be too hard to press for any sort of touch typing. The reason it works for a smartphone is that you have your whole hand behind pressing the phone towards you while your thumbs can press back quite

@cicadymn: I know we don't have to kill babies to get them, but what if we just want to anyway?

@WesD: I'm normally happy to trust what I can read from the editors/comments, but the idea of burying touch screen computers just seemed too far out there for me

.. I don't get it. the Atlantic article sounded like it just used touchscreen computers during the manufacturing process to customize your coffin, which comes out computer-less

I like this idea and format. Hopefully with a good variety of app platforms though

@turwaith: very cool! Color me jealous. I'm something of a Bradbury fan myself. I picked up a copy of The October Country from the library while I was in middle school and then was hooked.

@shazaam42: Ahh yes, good point. I sometimes forget the effect that Lifehacker has on these featured websites' servers.