Samurai I-am-awry

@t17: How long is it supposed to be at this screen though? I don't see a link to share and it's been like this for a long time. :( I really want this to work

Okay... I feel really dumb, but how do I actually see the file that I'm trying to share? I clicked the 'select files' button, I selected a file, and then I lose all ability to do anything. It just tells me that I can move on

Excellent Kennedy related comic in reply

I definitely built weapons with pens and pencils when I was in elementary school. Of course they weren't able to inflict any real damage... I only did it for the fun of building the little launching mechanisms and such. It made me feel like MacGyver.

I'm thankful for the good ol' U S of A, (although really it's the people I know there) and I can't wait to get back next month

Hearing claims that a phone will be an "iphone killer" makes me feel like it's 2008 again

hmmm so a fellow like myself with a 3Gs and no airplay compatible equipment has nothing to gain from this update?

Reminds me of one of those old pedal powered sewing machines

@vinod1978: As much as everyone hates these procedures (I know I do) I think people just fly too much to be able to boycott it effectively.

Do these people not work?

Bad idea for a few reasons:

booo.. Pittsburgh is on the list :(

@Goopplesoft: I'm certainly no expert on the matter, but I think it doesn't matter how far apart they are as long as the software that is 3D-ifying it (for lack of a better word) knows the distance for various calculations.

I'd love to see how the sales for this stuff change between them announcing that they're changing the formula and the new version hitting stores

I would be terrified to run down a hill in these

@12345: No, silly. Carbon fiber manufacturers