Samurai I-am-awry

@FauxReal: My understanding is that when you're playing with the actual guitar you're on the highest difficulty by default.

What I wonder is how they are going to actually teach the songs in pro mode. It hardly seems reasonable to just run full throttle like expert mode does with the legacy controllers. Playing a song on a real guitar takes a lot more movement in the hands and the development of a considerable amount of muscle memory.

@monstermax: Isn't the poor build quality part of the chaos and randomness of the shots? These photos wouldn't be what they were if not for crappy plastic lenses and light leaks all over the place.

I want to be able to watch How I Met Your Mother

@matt buchanan: People do talk like that. What they don't do is write like that. I think a better solution than mrm's would be something like: 'There are "a Few Surprises Left" This Year.'

@Almightywhacko: But it's a "solid source!" What more could you want?

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.3: I love having voice and data simultaneously. I use it so much, I can't imagine not being able to do that.

@inf0l: That at the beginning laptop reeally looks like an MBP or an old Powerbook

@chauncy that billups: Yeah those are out of date. There's a reason Verizon doesn't run those ads anymore.

Hmm I hope katie doesn't read Gizmodo.

Haha When I read the title of this article I thought I was in for some story from the hundred-acre wood.

@Almightywhacko: I whole-heartedly agree. If my mini had the capacity of my classic, then I'd still be using it. It was just so much snappier, had a nice shape etc. Everything about the iPod mini rocked.

Hmm well if this happens, I'm sure the iPhone won't be on the list of phones with built-in Powermat tech. Apple would probably try to come up with their own standard.

@splitlenz: My brother once got a spicy chicken sandwich from Wendy's, and when he bit into it, the chicken was completely raw. It was breaded so you couldn't really tell from the outside. He didn't sue or anything, he just wanted a cooked sandwich because he was hungry

This reminds me of an article I saw about 5 years ago about this 12 year old kid from some African country (I actually do think it was Kenya) who built himself a windmill to power a light bulb and a computer in his home.

What this really sounds like to me, is that it's mostly applicable to image rotation. that is, you grab with both fingers and twist, but instead of having to keep turning your hand around, you can lift up your hand, reset your hand position and keep twisting before the "gesture" is technically complete.

It's amazing how young he still looks