Samurai I-am-awry

Since I don't own a mac, I don't know, but do people with legacy machines typically upgrade to the latest and greatest Mac OS X version?

Personally, I like Leo for it. OS X Leo

@dallasmay: lol. and then after that I suppose it would be OS O

psh. I'm holding out for OS XI

Boy listening to all those made me feel like I was watching an episode of Loony Tunes. A bunch of those little songs had that vibe.

I expected the Pre 2 to follow the same general plan as the Pre 1 (not unlike Droids 1 and 2). My hope is some fresh other hardware options for webOS. I'd love a full touchscreen phone

Holy Crap. Excellent choice for the winner. These are incredible

@Dacker: How do you know if they're fun, creative or unique without watching them first though?

@pjcard: I'm not sure if this is still running, but back when they announced Watson, there was a little flash game where you could play Jeopardy! against it and at the end of each question, see what his choices/confidence in each were etc. It's pretty cool

@MeanMF: I agree. I was reading that and thinking "you know... those numbers seem awfully low..."

Tarantino-style Star Wars prequels sound awesome. If only...

Ah that reminds me of the good ol' days. My dad would take me up this hill to some gas station near the Pittsburgh airport. I swear, if I had stood up on top of the car and jumped I would have gotten sucked into the engines. I'm probably remembering the planes being closer than they actually were but

@Kajigger Me Timbers: lol that certainly is a secret identity worth keeping secret isn't it

@Kajigger Me Timbers: Hmmm are you insinuating he comments on Giz under the name Kajigger Me Timbers? If so, you are crazy awesome.

@Curves: Let's none of us forget that poor woman on the Segway from a while back

@Rabid Penguin: Well to be fair, iPhone isn't the name of the OS. People often say "iOS device" to be to a generic, but more relevantly, people do say "Android phone."

People like to give Hamill a hard time for poor acting during the "I am your father" scene, forgetting that he was handed those lines moments before shooting. Fake passion is not easy to act with no time to prepare.

@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: That is an excellent comparison. I'll have to remember that for the times that I'm trying to explain to someone that huge numbers of Megapixels don't really matter to them