Samurai I-am-awry

@DefineStatutory: I think the only thing WP7 has going for it in terms of a differentiating feature would be MS Office mobile.

I'm a little disappointed that it's tied to a 2 year contract

can I use this to unlock?

Psh. Look at Trafalgar Square! Why would you build a shanty town in the same place as a tornado? Have some sense, displaced Londoners!

very cool article, but does the "modern parlance" link towards the top just come back to this same page?

I bet it would have worked better if those pools had been weighted

Am I dumb? Other than the group chatting, I don't see any new functionality in these new groups than all the other groups that already exist in facebook

Yay I'm on the list! If only I were on Verizon.... :( wuh wuh wuuuaah

This reminds me of Willy Wonka's inventing room from the Gene Wilder version

please please please be good hardware!

Nooo! please don't go :(

@Steven Callas: No that's actually a fairly new invention that HTC came up with for Sense.

I'm an NBC fanboy. I have no idea why though...

#1 is totally awesome.

@DPeezy: If only... I've tried and I just get a little notification box that says:

When I first saw the thumbnail I thought "That is an awful idea!" Although I now see that there are wires supporting it from the ceiling on the cantilevered side. It's not quite the sort of aesthetic I would go for, but it definitely looks pretty cool.

@MagicTrackpad: Indeed, the flavor adds a nice accent to an otherwise bland egg

I like the sound of that quick memo. Being terrible at using words to describe things, I often resort to drawing little pictures to explain myself. It's the worst when I don't have scrap paper/pen on hand.