Samurai I-am-awry

Mann they're just rubbing it in my face now aren't they.

The best part of all this is the inspiration for it.

There's no better way to start the day

@IceMetalPunk: D'oh! haha it figures that the one time I neglect to watch it, I go and say something like that.

I hate to be a Debbie downer, but why does it need 2 pico projectors? I feel like 1 would do it.

To be fair, I'm not sure I've ever seen a book with (on the back cover) the price lower in Canada than in the US

I believe you forgot the closing tag for the italics after the show's title. (/i)

If I were to implement this on my hypothetical commercial building, I would need a team of two men (one inside and one outside) working with this robot to get it over the dividers between each pane and up onto the windows of the floor above. That doesn't strike me as much of an improvement.

I wouldn't really call the use of "literally" incorrect as much as I would call it hyperbole.

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.2: Hahaha I totally agree. Plus it'll be super exciting when Zuckerberg's hands reach out towards the screen when he goes to do some coding.

I don't see why people are getting so worked up about this. If anything, I'd say it supports the story from the bible.

@KamWrex: That is exactly what I was thinking (the Japanese stereotype stuff). As soon as I was greeted with a giant plush Yoshi, I knew that this video was going to awesomely "japanese"

It seems to me that this would make it really easy for parts of the building to get kind of moldy.

@svendoza: Ah how I wish I could have promoted this comment.

@SKiTz: Haha Admittedly hilarious, but I do believe Nokia is a Finnish company. It's like all those racial slurs that are apparently okay if you're saying them to/about your own race.

Stocking stuffers indeed! In fact, I think I saw a couple of these next to the candy and lighters when I was checking out at the grocery store.