Samurai I-am-awry

The white paper and the grey card are used for entirely different purposes.

ugh. I hope this doesn't happen in my lifetime. It will be so much harder to get rid of a computer if it has a sense of self.

Boy that website is not fun to navigate. I'd love to be able to see this in higher resolution.

You'd think an iPad version would be able to throw in some better touch based features. I'd love for some dodge/burn action or some simple brushes, maybe some smudging? With all that screen real estate it only makes sense.

Hmm so does this mean no more Sam Spratt?

They have a 4D theatre at Niagara falls too. I've often wondered what that's like. Anyway, I'm jealous of you Texans. When will a LEGOLAND make its way to the North East?! :(

That's pretty cool. I'd like to get this and play a game in a dark room, and mod it so that those are all black lights some how..... Cosmic chess!

Doesn't Mecca conform to GMT standards anyway? So even if this does change (which I doubt it will) I don't think it would really affect anyone. Instead of New York being GMT -5, it would be MMT -8 and no one would have to reset their clocks.

@morphoyle: " There is more to success than money."

@joanywhere: I sooo hope this is a true story!

droool..... I now want to build that.

Hmmm I'll have to remember to watch this again in a less sober state...

ugh.. I hate Dan Brown. Is it because I'm jealous of his ability to make a substantial income posting videos on youtube? Partly. I just don't understand why he has so many followers. It's absurd.

If you jailbreak your phone then buy some jailbroken apps are they yours forever? That is, if I decide to throw iOS 4.1 on when it comes out, then re-jailbreak some time in the future, do I have to pay for everything again?

Hmm I feel like this article will reignite some of these edit wars. I know I'm off to edit some wikipedia articles! Time for some hairy male anus...

Psh, that place can't be that trendy. It uses flour and therefore isn't gluten-free. Everyone knows that all the trendiest foods are vegetarian and gluten/dairy-free